He Gave Gifts To Men

He Gave Gifts To Men

Sunday Message Summary, 2 October 2022

When Jesus died for us, He went to the underworld to destroy him who had the power of death (Hebrews 2:14-15) and took from him the keys of hell (Revelation 1:18). In doing so, Jesus led captivity captive (Ephesians 4:8a), delivering the saints who had died before the cross, and took them up with Him. These saints were taken to the paradise that now is, not the paradise that then was (in Hades). Furthermore, Jesus gave gifts to men (Ephesians 4:8b). These are gifts of Jesus Christ to mankind, some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers (Ephesians 4:9-11). This was predetermined before the foundation of the earth, and these gifts are chosen, appointed, and anointed by Christ, not men. This is the last thing Jesus did before He ascended, so it is of extremely great importance.

Jesus gave gifts for a reason. These are people who speak for GOD, and not for themselves (Psalm 68:18). If a person is a genuine minister of Jesus Christ, that person shall speak the Word of GOD (John 3:34). They do not preach unless GOD sent them because they are under His authority. True servants of Jesus tell people what GOD is saying at that point in time. Those who are sent by Christ therefore have not an anointing to mislead, deceive, take advantage of, hurt or harm anyone. Even if they want to do wrong, they cannot.

When those that God has sent preach, there must be an obedience to what they preach (Romans 10:15-16), and we ignore the gifts at our own peril. Each time that Word is not obeyed, nothing works. We are led, not to question, but to obey, and many people go against the Word because they cannot discern the vessel. When GOD wanted to help the people by speaking through Stephen, the people rejected the vessel, and they were too stubborn to receive, accept and believe the Word of GOD (Acts 7:51;54). If we don’t want to accept the Word, we are resisting GOD Himself. Faith comes primarily by hearing the Word preached by a minister of GOD (Romans 10:17), so the gifts are there to benefit us. Christ died to give us the gifts because He knows we need them.

The gifts (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers) are there to equip, train and produce skillful Christians, experienced in the Word of GOD, who have discerned between right and wrong. If we do not do what they say, we will not qualify. The church therefore remains in infancy when we do not do what we are told. The prophetic ministry in particular, is a revealer of the heart because the prophetic unction brings conviction. The Word of GOD is a discerner of the thoughts and intents because the Word is prophetic (Hebrews 4:12-13). The Word exposes the deep thoughts, intents, and motives of the heart. However, GOD exposes, not to embarrass, ridicule or destroy, but to save and redeem, and this is how we grow.

The gifts (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers) are there to equip, train and produce skillful Christians, experienced in the Word of GOD, who have discerned between right and wrong.


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