Sunday Message Summary, 30 October 2022
GOD has done everything to enable us to come into His presence. When Jesus said, “It is finished!”, the veil to the Holy of Holies was rent from top to bottom, and the old way to come to GOD was done away with and removed. Instead, the LORD made a new and living way which He consecrated for us (Hebrews 10:19-22). That new and living way is Jesus. He became the perfect sacrifice, having offered His own blood once and for all for us to enter. As a result, we don’t wait for GOD anymore, but we wait on Him. Through Jesus Christ we now have access, not just to GOD, but to Him as Father. We are now children of GOD through the Holy Spirit, so we should come to Him (Ephesians 2:18-19).
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!”, so ours is to come and draw near to GOD. How then do we draw near? Firstly, we draw near with sincerity of heart (Hebrews 10:22a), i.e., it is something that emanates from our own heart. Drawing near with a true heart also means having the right motive. Secondly, we draw near to GOD in faith. We must have boldness in full assurance of faith (Hebrews 10:22a), knowing that we will not be turned down nor turned back. Furthermore, we draw near to GOD not having the awareness and consciousness of sin in our lives. We have been cleansed of sin by His blood and by His Word. Not only has Jesus cleansed our conscience, but He has also cleansed our bodies (Hebrews 10:22b).
There is nothing that will make GOD not to accept, receive or forgive us. In the old and dead way, they were worshipping GOD from the outside, from afar because of sin. We however should have no more consciousness of sin because we have been purified. Sin was the only impediment precluding us from coming, but sin has now been taken away (Psalms 103:12), so what is stopping us from coming to GOD? We should come boldly, not in our own confidence, but relying wholly and completely on His grace (Hebrews 4:16). Grace is where our sins are forgiven, where we come to receive help, so GOD is looking for the unworthy, not the worthy. Not only does GOD remove sins, not only does He forgive sins, but GOD forgets our sins (Hebrews 8:12). In the new covenant, GOD does not remind us, but He has cast our sins into the sea of forgetfulness (Micah 7:19). Therefore, any accusing voice is not from GOD, but from the devil (Romans 8:33-34).
We have been given access for fellowship. We draw near to GOD to have fellowship with our Father as His children through the Spirit of adoption into sonship (Romans 8:15-16). We have access to GOD, the Father through the Holy Spirit. What is left for us then is to come…
GOD is looking for the unworthy, not the worthy.