He Is Who He Says He Is

He Is Who He Says He Is

Friday, 09 December 2022

“Then David got up from the ground. After he had washed, put on lotions and changed his clothes, he went into the house of the LORD and worshiped. Then he went to his own house, and at his request they served him food, and he ate.” – 2 Samuel 12: 20 NIV

We all know how much GOD loved David, and the close relationship that they shared. GOD even referred to him as: the man after His own heart. David sinned against GOD by killing Uriah so that he could have his wife for himself. This sinful act even conceived a son. As punishment, GOD told David, through Nathan, that he would lose his son. Upon hearing the words, David went into a dry fast for seven days pleading with the LORD that He would spare his son. As promised the boy died and no amount of pleading and begging could change GOD’s mind. GOD in this scenario showed that no amount of pleading and begging could change His mind once He had decided. Even though they had a close relationship, GOD still remained GOD. He cannot be emotionally blackmailed or manipulated into changing His mind. What I love about David was that as soon as his son died, he went and worshipped the LORD. How many of us would have done the same? He understood that even though he didn’t get the result he was hoping for, it didn’t change who GOD was. 

I’ve had countless discussions with businessmen in our ministry concerning the needs we have identified in the church. Most of us would even go to the extent of saying we would buy busses for the ministry to transport members, if GOD blessed our businesses or gave us financial breakthroughs. It stands to reason that GOD can also see the need for such purchases, yet nothing has changed with regards to those breakthroughs. What I then realized was that some of us were trying to emotionally blackmail Him into blessing us, because the ministry would “benefit”. I’ve come to realize that GOD is sovereign and He will do what He wants, when He wants, and how He wants to. 

“He said, “I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be naked when I leave. The LORD gave me what I had, and the LORD has taken it away. Praise the name of the LORD!” Job 1:21 NLT. In the midst of getting the terrible news about his children, the first words to come out of Job’s mouth were to acknowledge that everything belongs to the LORD, every single thing. He was cognizant of the fact that even in the midst of the calamity that had befallen him, GOD remained GOD. He has the final say and does not have to explain Himself to any of us. He sees everything from it’s inception to it’s conclusion, while we only see in part. This is why His ways are higher than our ways.

Though He is sovereign and does what He wants, our confidence and comfort is in knowing that He works out everything for our benefit. Even though we may not understand at times, we rest in the knowledge that He cares for us and is working out everything for our benefit. 

He has the final say and does not have to explain Himself to any of us. He sees everything from it’s inception to it’s conclusion, while we only see in part


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