Sunday Message Summary, 11 December 2022
We have need of change today, more than we even realize. The fact that we go to church does not necessarily mean that we are okay, and our situations will continue until death unless we have an encounter with Jesus. At the pool called Bethesda, there was a man who had an infirmity for 38 years, but after he had an encounter with Jesus, this man’s life changed drastically (John 5:2-9). When Jesus meets any one of us, He will never leave us the same, because there is always a change, transformation, and paradigm shift where Jesus Christ has been. He is a GOD of change; so, when He comes, He changes everything. He is a change agent, and the change that GOD wants, He will do through the Word, and nothing can stop Him (Isaiah 55:11). We cannot touch Jesus and never change if we are looking for Him to change us. If we welcome Him and continue in Christ today, He will change us permanently. However, whether we receive Him or reject Him, whether we are cold, hot, or lukewarm, when we encounter Him, something is bound to happen (Matthew 21:44; Revelation 3:15-16).
Although we may be touched by Jesus here on Earth, if we are not careful to live the life GOD wants us to live, one day we will wake up in Hell. GOD does not save us only for us to continue in sin and to live as we please, but we must make sure that we don’t sin anymore, lest a worse thing come upon us (John 5:14). GOD wants us to continue in Him and the path of life He has set for us. There is a change then a walk afterwards (Ephesians 4:1); a conversion then a way of life. We are born again to become like Jesus (Romans 8:29) – this is the essence of our transformation. Our lifestyle has everything to do with our walk with GOD. If we continue doing wrong things, we serve the devil by the wrong lifestyle, and he will continue destroying us.
The issue of encountering Jesus is as real today as it was for the man at Bethesda. Jesus still wants to encounter each one of us, but are we seeking for Him, and do we believe we can be encountered by Jesus in the present? Jesus is available, right here and now. He wants to reveal Himself to each one of us, but we ought to believe that Jesus is here right now, and we ought to be seeking Him. A religious spirit always pushes GOD back to the past and forward into the future, but let us not be satisfied nor content until we encounter the GOD of the here and now. May we expose ourselves and make ourselves vulnerable to GOD today by opening our hearts. GOD has never stopped doing the work of transformation in people (John 5:17), but He is here right now looking for a life to transform. It all depends on our response to Him.
Our lifestyle has everything to do with our walk with GOD.