Sunday Message Summary, 18 December 2022
GOD hates lukewarmness with a passion (Revelation 3:14-16). Therefore, the state of being lukewarm is something that all of us should take seriously. It is a big thing to be rejected by GOD because of lukewarmness, for if we are rejected by GOD, there is no hope for us in this life. Being lukewarm is when we compromise and are no longer eager, enthusiastic, nor passionate for Jesus. This is when we no longer do things that we used to do for the LORD out of love and passion for Him. Lukewarmness is when we no longer feel the push nor the pull to live for GOD alone, when the mad love we had for Jesus is between existent and non-existent, and we have one foot in the world and the other in Christ. When we are lukewarm, we no longer have the drive, goal, nor ambition to live for GOD, and He is no longer the factor to be considered as a matter of priority. This is where our hearts are torn in between.
People who are lukewarm are comatose, being neither dead nor alive, neither cold nor hot. Lukewarmness is being stale, no longer being fresh nor pleasant in the spirit, and being stagnant, having no movement, no motion, and no current. Where there is no movement, there is no life, and there is no growth. Lukewarm people do things without involvement of their hearts. Even the message of the Gospel does not mean anything to them because their hearts are not involved. Lukewarm people have the form of godliness but reject the power that makes them godly. They have outward profession without inward substance, speaking of high things they cannot produce. They are tossed to and fro by every wind because they are indifferent, lackadaisical, and tolerant.
We are a generation living in dangerous times because of lukewarm people. This is the generation of compromisers, of lukewarm Christians and believers (2 Timothy 3:1-5). Many are selfish, self-conceited and self-conscious, they are obsessed with money and worship it, even compromising GOD for money. They speak against holy things that they know nothing about, and they mock those who are on fire for GOD. They are unholy, profane, and secular, fighting everything that is of GOD, and they push things that are opposite to the Word of GOD. They are obsessed and preoccupied with themselves, not caring or having concern about others. They are also slanderers and accusers, and they gossip and backstab one another, not speaking well of each other. They are without self-control, and they are imprisoned by their own desires. We should not keep company with such lukewarm Christians unless it is to point them to Christ.
The clarion call for all of us right now is not to compromise the standard of GOD. GOD is looking for those who refuse to compromise in the midst of a perverse generation. GOD is looking for us to stand and shine in this generation. In the Kingdom of GOD there is correction, discipline, instruction, and training, to turn us away from being lukewarm. We must therefore be zealous and repent. If we hear GOD and we are listening, and we open our hearts and turn, He will come and have fellowship with us (Revelation 3:19-20).
In the Kingdom of GOD there is correction, discipline, instruction, and training, to turn us away from being lukewarm.