Friday, 30 December 2022
“And this is the will of Him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those He has given me, but raise them up at the last day” – John 6:39 NIV
Growing up, I didn’t have much in terms of material possessions. When you grow up with little, you preoccupy your mind with things that you wished you had. I grew up wanting to own a skateboard. I fantasized about riding it every day. My cousin, who was working at the time had promised to buy it for me on my birthday. I was so excited at the thought of owning one. Birthdays came and gone and still I had no skateboard. Every single birthday I had hope that that would be the year I finally got my promised gift. I eventually forgot about the skateboard until I was reminded about it a couple of years ago. What cracks me up is the false “hope” that sustained me for all those years, the hope of owning my very own skateboard.
When the soldiers came to arrest Jesus (Luke 22: 47-51), He was surrounded by His disciples. When He saw the soldiers coming, He made sure that none of the disciples were arrested along with Him. Peter almost jeopardized this by cutting someone’s ear off. Jesus rebuked him and healed the servant’s ear. By doing this, He fulfilled the promises that He had made about not losing any of those that followed Him (John 6:39). Though He was a man like me, He made sure that He didn’t break His promises. Now that He is seated with His Father and full of glory, how will He not keep the promises He’s made to me? Why would He not raise me up like He promised He would when the time has come? This is the assurance I have in Jesus. This is the confidence that sustains my walk with Him. The reason why I endure trials that come is because of His name. Unlike my cousin, who didn’t keep her promise, Jesus’s promises are “YES” and “AMEN” (2 Corinthians 1:20). Unlike other religions where people believe in idols that are dead, I rest in the knowledge that my LORD is resurrected and is seated on His throne. The same LORD who is my advocate who pleads my case every second of every day. Though I fall short of His glory every single day, I always have Someone interceding on my behalf. This is the gift that we celebrate on Christmas.
“For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in Him will not be put to shame” (Romans 10:11 ESV and Psalm 25:3). This is the Gift that we celebrate on Christmas (it’s so good that I thought it worthy to repeat it). When we are gathered with our loved ones on this day, we thank GOD for His gift. As we partake of bread (spiritual and physical), we thank GOD for His sacrifice, and we rejoice in the knowledge that we are now alive and not dead in Him.
As we partake of bread (spiritual and physical), we thank GOD for His sacrifice, and we rejoice in the knowledge that we are now alive and not dead in Him