Sunday Message Summary, 1 January 2023
This is the year of walking with GOD and pleasing Him (Hebrews 11:5), going back to the place where it is all about GOD. Our entire duty is to please GOD, and the only way to please Him is by seeking GOD for GOD. Not many things, but one thing is necessary and that is what we need (Luke 10:41-42). David, for example, was not pursuing esteem, renown, power, or glory, but he sought after God’s own heart. He did not seek to do his own thing, and for this reason he accomplished all that GOD had destined for him to do (Acts 13:22 TPT). David wanted what GOD wanted and he wanted to serve GOD. While people seek after everything else, we must make ourselves fools and seek after GOD, being careful how we live our lives and what we do here on Earth.
We should not lay up for ourselves treasures on Earth, but we must pursue GOD and things that are above (Matthew 6:19-20). Our hearts will always pursue what we esteem as our treasure (Matthew 6:21 TPT), so the person of GOD should be what we want most in our lives. Moses was sandwiched between wealth, but when GOD became that which he sought, he rejected and left behind the fleeting pleasures of this life (Hebrews 11:25-26 NLT). We will seek GOD when He becomes our treasure and great reward, i.e., when we realize that He is everything that we want and need. Moses left wealth and royalty, and he even put himself in harm’s way because he was in love with GOD and he didn’t care (Hebrews 11:27). Moses wanted GOD, he was a seeker of GOD, and he pursued GOD because nothing can take the place of GOD in our lives. There is no competition.
We must not seek after blessings, but blessings will seek after us. The things that people are seeking will come looking for us when we make GOD the one thing we seek. When we seek GOD, He gives us what He knows we need. GOD cares enough and He has obligated Himself to respond to anyone who calls out to Him for Him (Hebrews 11:5-6 MSG). When Ruth chose to seek and pursue after the real and living GOD by remaining with Naomi (Ruth 1:14-16), GOD gave her a rich husband while she was not even looking for a husband (Ruth 4:13). While Ruth was not looking for a child, she bore a son – Obed, the father of Jesse, who was the father of David (Ruth 4:17). We therefore are still blessed today because of Ruth. The choice we are making for GOD today will bless generations long after we are gone. This is greatness.
The choice we are making for GOD today will bless generations long after we are gone.