Friday, 06 January 2023
“Fill your horn with oil and go; I will send you to Jesse the Bethlehemite, for I have chosen a king for Myself among his sons.” – 1 Samuel 16:1b AMP
After GOD had previously selected Saul as King of Israel, He later decided that Saul was no longer worthy of the crown. Saul disobeyed GOD and as a result, he lost the fellowship he shared with Him. GOD then instructed Prophet Samuel to go and anoint a new king. This new king was to come from Jesse’s household, his name was David. David would be the new ruler of Israel. This meant that he would be king of the citizens of Israel, yet GOD said in His Word to Saul, “I have chosen a king for MYSELF.” This shows that besides walking in the perfect will of GOD for your life, being pleasing to Him still remains the ultimate goal.
“But now your kingdom will not endure; the LORD has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people because you have not kept the LORD’s command”1 Samuel 13:14 NIV. There is a difference between people who do the work of GOD, and those that GOD Himself has planted and is pleased with. You can labor for decades doing “works” for GOD, and yet not be pleasing before Him. During the transfiguration, GOD made it clear to the people that were there that Jesus was His Son, and that He was pleased with Him. So it’s obvious to see that when it comes to His Kingdom, the main thing must always be the main thing; and the main thing is GOD Himself. Any pursuit outside of this is in vain. GOD only builds on a foundation that He Himself has laid down, and He will not add to any other foundation. These are foundations that are after the heart of GOD, and not after the pleasures of this world.
“For thus says the LORD of hosts, “After glory He has sent Me against the nations which plunder you—for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye” Zechariah 2:8 AMP. Those who are pleasing to GOD are the ones referred to as, “the apple of His eye”. You can only be an apple when He is your exceedingly great reward. Those who prioritize pursuing Him eventually become the apple of His eye. This is why the Bible promises that those who seek will always find. Seeking isn’t an erratic phase, but a permanent residence. Only those who are desperately pursuing Him reside.
GOD only builds on a foundation that He Himself has laid down, and He will not add to any other foundation