A Passenger Of The Holy Spirit

A Passenger Of The Holy Spirit

Thursday, 12 January 2023

“Understand that the LORD is GOD. He made us and we are His people. He takes care of us, like a shepherd with his sheep.” – Psalms 100:3 EASY

“From the beginning I predicted the outcome; long ago I foretold what would happen. I said that My plans would never fail, that I would do everything I intended to do.” – Isaiah 46:10 GNT

Before the foundation of the earth, GOD created us and already had a plan and a purpose for our lives. He knew what our assignments here on earth would be and what we would need to fulfil them. As GOD, He knows all things before they are and how they will play out.  Nothing we go through takes Him by surprise. If that then is the case, why are we so bent on retaining control of what we do and how we do it, all the while not even knowing what tomorrow brings? One would think it would be easy for us to allow the One who knows all things to be the guide on our journey and the one found in the driver’s seat.

More often than not, we find ourselves talking about how hard life can be, especially as a Christian yet GOD did not design it to be that way. When He gave us His marching orders, He also gave us everything that we need to be victorious. Jesus Christ said “But the Spirit will come. He is the one who shows people true things about GOD. When He comes, He will be a guide to you. He will help you to understand everything that is true. He will not speak on His own authority. He will tell you only what He hears from the Father. He will tell you about things that will happen after this time.” John 16:13 EASY. The problem is that we rely so much on our strength, knowledge and accolades amongst many other things that hype us up and when our own efforts fail, we blame the very same GOD we ourselves failed to rely on.

We are in a time now where the church is being called to rise. As believers, there’s so much we urgently need to do in the world for the Kingdom of GOD as our mandate and calling. How beautiful it is to know that we will not be doing anything out of our own effort but the one living in us will guide us in everything. The insistence on taking the wheel will only drive us to failure and even if we can  look like we are winning there for a moment, eventually we will realize that we have been going nowhere slowly.

“If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, then you will ask for anything you wish, and you shall have it.” John 15:7 GNT. Anything that we do outside of GOD is vanity and a waste of time and even what we achieve outside of Him will eventually come to naught. We must get to a point where we settle it in our hearts that, without The Holy Spirit we can truly do nothing and for us to move through this life with relative ease, we must abide completely in Him.

The insistence on taking the wheel will only drive us to failure and even if we can  look like we are winning there for a moment, eventually we will realize that we have been going nowhere slowly


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