Thursday, 26 January 2023
“So she came to Jerusalem with a very large caravan (entourage), with camels carrying spices, a great quantity of gold, and precious stones. When she came to Solomon, she spoke with him about everything that was on her mind [to discover the extent of his wisdom]. King Solomon [in turn] gave to the queen of Sheba everything that she wanted, whatever she asked, besides what he gave to her from his royal bounty. So she returned to her own country, she and her servants.” – 1 Kings 10:2, 13 AMP
There are many marvelous and divine things that happen to us when we become born again. We are not only transformed spiritually in to new creations, but we are also adopted in to a royal family of GOD, thus becoming sons and daughters of a King. The Word of GOD goes so far to call us a “royal priesthood. GOD’s own special people” (1 Peter 2:9). We can go on and shout this from the mountains and quote the Scriptures all we want but until something deep within us comprehends what being of royal blood actually means, we will continue to exist in a realm of struggle and be confused as to how we can belong to the richest Kingdom to ever exist but never appropriate its wealth.
When one goes into a world that they are not all together familiar with, they must first learn the language and the laws that govern that place. In a Kingdom it’s even more imperative for a person to be conscious because this is where all protocols MUST be observed, and very little room is left for error. So even though we are GOD’s children, His Kingdom is still sovereign and Jesus reigns as the King of Kings. We cannot come before Him empty handed as though He were an ordinary common man. Yes, GOD does not need anything from us because He is the Creator of all things but we still bring our offerings before Him as a form of worship as well as to honor Him. It is us paying homage and showing reverence and respect to our King.
The Queen of Sheba received more from King Solomon than she gave him because that is the nature of the greater Kingdom. GOD will always exceed our giving because not only does it bring Him glory, it also pleases Him to do so. As our Father, our giving and His response is birthed from our relationship with Him. This is why no one should be forced or manipulated in to giving. “Each of you should think carefully and then decide how much you can give. Then you will not be sad to give that money. Nobody has made you give it. GOD loves someone who is happy to give help to other people.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 EASY.
Generous giving that comes from the heart will always attract GOD’s attention and favor because it is also His response to the principle of giving and receiving. “Since GOD loves you, He is able to give you more than you need. You will always have every good thing that you need for yourselves. And you will have enough to do many good things to help other people.” 2 Corinthians 9:8 EASY.
Generous giving that comes from the heart will always attract GOD’s attention and favor