Thursday, 09 February 2023
“Thanks be to GOD [for my deliverance] through Jesus Christ our LORD! So then, on the one hand I myself with my mind serve the law of GOD, but on the other, with my flesh [my human nature, my worldliness, my sinful capacity—I serve] the law of sin.” – Romans 7:25 AMP
“And be continually renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh, untarnished mental and spiritual attitude],” – Ephesians 4:23 AMP
One thing that will always be a bone of contention in Christianity, is the battle between the flesh and the spirit. What is of the flesh and what is of the spirit. What makes sense in the world but is enmity with GOD. What is acceptable in society but Holy Spirit hates, etc… Wherever the argument goes, the bottom line is that for us to understand GOD, operate in the spirit and see things His way, there must be a change and a transformation that happens in the mind. Our thoughts and reasoning emanate from our mind and if our minds are still set in our old ways, we will continue to resist the Holy Spirit and what He wants to do in and through us.
To be Christian is to become Christ-like and to have the mind of Christ, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,” Philippians 2:5 NKJV. To reason like Him, see things through His eyes and do what He did and more. This is what makes us true citizens of the Kingdom. Before I was born again, I thought I knew a lot about GOD and “Christianity” there was so much you couldn’t tell me because my mind was made up about who I thought GOD was. But the transformation that took place once the Holy Spirit took over was extraordinary. I saw my foolishness and had to accept how much I was wrong about and the way I saw and understood things completely changed.
People read the Bible for various reasons. Some to improve their knowledge of Scripture, some to be able to argue Scripture and to others it’s a nice story book. However, to those who are born of the Holy Spirit, it is to fellowship with GOD and to know Him more. The Word of GOD is powerful and living, and in order for the Word to transform us, we need to allow the Holy Spirit to work it in to our hearts and minds. We will never fully enjoy what the Kingdom of GOD has to offer if we are unwilling to be transformed, meaning we will exist outside the Kingdom while under the impression that we are citizens. It’s important to see things HIS way and be willing to live by and be guided by HIS Word. After all, “The LORD has established His throne in Heaven, and His kingdom rules over all.” Psalms 103:19 NKJV.
The Word of GOD is powerful and living, and in order for the Word to transform us, we need to allow the Holy Spirit to work it in to our hearts and minds
One Comment
The word of God is truly powerful, we should always strive to have a mind of Christ, like Philippians 2:5. And this can must be continuously basis or rather on day to day basis for us to change our mind according to the word of God. And through the relationship with the word, can our mind be really renewed.
Thanks Pastor Ofense for the wonderful and encourage word of God you have shared