Kingdom Way Of Life (Part 2)

Kingdom Way Of Life (Part 2)

Sunday Message Summary, 12 February 2023

After being born again we must go through a process of change and growth in the spirit, becoming more and more like Jesus in mind, attitude, behavior, lifestyle, and action. Christianity is about growing and changing, becoming the people GOD wants us to be (Romans 12:2 EASY). Without this change we are not in the Kingdom of GOD, and we are deceived, being outside the will of GOD. This growth and change comes by way of us dying to self daily, crucifying the flesh. We therefore cannot continue to do the things that we did before we were born again. The Holy Spirit is the one who changes us to be like Jesus Christ, making us glorious through the Word of GOD (2 Corinthians 3:18).

The fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-25 EASY) is a manifestation of the life of the Holy Spirit in a believer, which is the character and nature of GOD. This character/nature brings righteousness, holiness, and purity into our lives, which the natural and carnal self cannot produce. The Holy Spirit is holy, so He produces holiness in us. Therefore, when we are growing in the fruit of the Spirit, we are growing in godliness. The issue of life in the Kingdom is of utmost importance because a life not led by the Holy Spirit is a life of suffering, sorrow, and strife, but wherever the Holy Spirit leads us, He will give us success in what He leads us to do.

The Holy Spirit produces in us a love for others (Galatians 5:22 EASY). A truly born-again child of GOD is thus not violent, nor easily angered or offended, and they cannot harm anyone. Love does not cause harm to others, nor does it bear false witness, which is why the Holy Spirit breaks our hard, callous, and violent nature. A true Christian therefore cannot see another in pain and not do anything about it. True Christians are patient with the wrongs and mistakes of others, because love covers a multitude of sins and does not expose the wrongs, flaws, and mistakes of others. Love drops down on its knees and intercedes on behalf of others.

A truly born-again child of GOD is trustworthy and a person of their word (Galatians 5:22 EASY). The nature of the Holy Spirit is a nature of faithfulness, so people can trust true Christians to do what is right. Additionally, true Christians prefer others, and they give right of way to others, respecting them while humbling themselves (Galatians 5:23 EASY). Pride, arrogance, conceit, and haughtiness have got no respect whatsoever. Furthermore, the life of the Kingdom manifests in a Christian resisting to do wrong (Galatians 5:24 EASY). We have killed our fleshly desires on the Cross, and the empowerment and enablement to overcome comes from the Holy Spirit. However, when we are led by the Spirit, we can no longer choose how we live nor what we want.

The Holy Spirit is holy, so He produces holiness in us.


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