Thursday, 16 February 2023
“Then GOD said, “And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us.” – Genesis 1:26 GNT
“Then GOD said, ‘We will make humans so that they are very much like us.’” – Genesis 1:26 EASY
Whenever we read the Word of GOD and we see His character and attributes, we tend to see Him as quite separate from us. Like “Yes that is who GOD is”, yet we are made in His image and likeness, and that means we ourselves should be growing in to those very attributes that describe GOD.It is only through and by the infilling of His Holy Spirit that we can be transformed in to His image and likeness.
There are no sufficient words to describe what happens when one’s being is taken over by the Holy Spirit. He does a total transformation in our minds, our hearts and all the way to how we make basic daily choices and decisions. Even what we call our “natural responses” towards people changes to who GOD is and how He is towards us, His creation. It is impossible for anyone to receive the Holy Spirit and not have the nature of GOD towards their neighbor.
“If I love people, I will be patient. I will be kind. I will not be jealous of other people. I will not be proud and say that I am great. If I love people, I will be polite. I will not just want to please myself. I will not quickly become angry. If someone does a wrong thing against me, I will not keep it in my thoughts. If I love people, I will not be happy when bad things happen. Instead, I will be happy when things happen that are right and true. If I love people, I will always accept their problems. I will always believe them. I will always hope for what is best. I will always be patient in troubles.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 EASY.
A total transformation requires regular self-checks and a consciousness of who we now are in Christ. As much as the Holy Spirit is able to take over, we also have to play our part by actually living and being “New Creations”. The world is comfortable with statements such as “This is who I am. Take it or leave it.” But we as believers who are continually being transformed, should never be at peace with our old sinful nature. That way of thinking is rebellion against the LORD and His will for us. The very reason we will continue to exist outside the Kingdom which Jesus Christ came to give us.
A total transformation requires regular self checks and a consciousness of who we now are in Christ