Offense (Part 2)

Offense (Part 2)

Sunday Message Summary, 12 March 2023

Offense is one of the most powerful weapons that the devil uses against the Church. Offense is the devil’s strategy to penetrate, weaken and destroy the Church from within. This intended collapse is an implosion which is not evident from the outside. The offense that happens in the Church is thus not normal because it is spiritual. Contrary to other areas of our lives, when we are offended in the Church, the first thing we want to do is up and leave. Furthermore, Satan’s strategy is to get to one person in order to contaminate and defile the rest, to the extent that people get defiled by what does not even concern them. To get maximum results in this regard, the devil goes for leadership in the Church, which was the case with Aaron and Miriam, who were part of Moses’ leadership structure (Micah 6:4), when they spoke against Moses (Numbers 12:1-2). Through their offense and insubordination, Satan sought to sow division in the Israeli camp, and though Aaron repented of his foolishness of speaking against his leader, there is no account of Miriam repenting, so the LORD had to discipline her (Numbers 12:10-11).

The devil knows that if the unity of the Church grows he is in trouble, hence there is an invisible enemy who works tirelessly to weaken the Church. Offense brings resentment, anger, wrath, rebellion and unforgiveness, which are devices against the Church that we should not be ignorant of. Bitterness starts somewhere. It is something that has been within a person, which cements into defilement (Hebrews 12:15). The implication of being defiled is that we don’t have a relationship with GOD anymore. We, therefore, should not allow the devil to manipulate or take advantage of us because of anger (Ephesians 4:26-27). If we don’t put malice, hostility, resentment, and hate away from us, the devil will keep us in bondage, though we are Christians who are filled with the Holy Spirit, and we will begin to lose things. When we keep offence, bitterness and unforgiveness we are under the devil’s control.

Why is it in the Church that we struggle with forgiveness? Unforgiveness is one of the devices and weapons of the enemy (2 Corinthians 2:10-11). It is so spiritual, that every time we want to forgive, the devil reminds us of the offense in order to immobilize us. Unforgiveness is a disease of the soul, and a sick soul produces illness. Furthermore, our sins and transgressions remain with us if we do not forgive (Matthew 6:14-15 CJB), resulting in the devil having a gateway to bring us under bondage. We must therefore not take offense, but we must be there to forgive. We need to grow and confess our offenses one to another (James 5:16 AMP). If we confess, the devil will not be able to uproot us, but when we don’t confess, the devil takes advantage of us. Healing will never come until we release what is inside. When we refuse to forgive we cut ourselves from fellowship and relationship, as well as the benefits of walking with GOD, which include forgiveness, healing, deliverance, protection, the favor of GOD, blessings, long life, and strength (Psalms 103:1-5). Being true children of GOD means being kind, being tenderhearted and forgiving one another. It is a choice that we make (Ephesians 4:32).

Being true children of GOD means being kind, being tenderhearted and forgiving one another. It is a choice that we make



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