Greatness Is Not Without

Greatness Is Not Without

Sunday Message Summary, 30 April 2023

We have been called into a life in Christ, which is a life of greatness. However, greatness is not without difficulties, contradictions, perplexes, or struggles. There are a lot of things that accompany our Christian walk. This is the only Christian way there is. Life without challenges, difficulties and problems does not exist in this world. There is no problem-free life, whether emotionally, mentally, spiritually, or relationally, amongst others. Even the One who made us and placed us in the world tells us that the world is full of trouble (John 16:33 NIV).

The devil doesn’t care how we begin our Christian walk, but he cares about how we end. How we end, however, is determined by what is in between, which is the toughest part of the race. It is not without complexities, twists, and turns, but no matter what pressure we face, we have to press on and not quit (Philippians 3:14 KJV). He who has begun a good work in us will perfect it (Philippians 1:6 NKJV). We must therefore be undaunted and confident, not being afraid of whatever comes at us and against us. As children of GOD there is nothing in this world that should defeat us. Our peace, rest and victory are in Christ, so we ought to remain in Him, the One who has defeated the world for us (John 16:33 NIV). If we remain in Christ, nothing will defeat us. The victory has already been won.

The easy life leads to Hell, but the path that leads to life is not easy whatsoever. The path is narrow, which makes it difficult, and very few make it through it (Matthew 7:13-14 NKJV/EASY). We must go through much trouble to enter the Kingdom of GOD (Acts 14:21-22 NLT). We will go through many things to inherit the blessings and promises, because nothing that is smooth sailing is worth pursuing and going after. The present time has sufferings, hardships, and challenges (Romans 8:18 KJV), but the difficulties work together for our good (Romans 8:28 KJV). All things work together, whether good or negative, because Jesus has already overcome the world for us. All things are ours and they are working for us (1 Corinthians 3:22 NKJV). When we are feeling pain, something good is happening in the spirit for us.

A child of GOD who is in Christ is not a victim of life and its circumstances. We should thus not listen to pain, nor should we leave something because of pain and discomfort, but we should listen to GOD. The LORD is strengthening and encouraging us to continue in the faith, not looking at physical things (Acts 14:22 NLT). When we stand, we bring honor to GOD. What shall separate us from the love of Christ, when everything is working for our good and our profit (Romans 8:35 KJV)? A life in Christ is a life of triumph from conquest to conquest (Romans 8:37 KJV).

We will go through many things to inherit the blessings and promises, because nothing that is smooth sailing is worth pursuing and going after.


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