Thursday, 04 May 2023
“I have told you these things so that you will have peace. You will be like that because you live together with me. In this world, you will have trouble. But be brave! I have destroyed the power of this world.’” – John 16:33 EASY
There comes a time in most believer’s lives, where it becomes abundantly clear that they have come too far on their journey with Christ to ever go back into the world. Returning to their former life can and will lead to death, and for anyone to make it, can only be through and by the LORD Jesus Christ. This point of realisation brings down every other plan, plot, belief, or idea that there could be a short cut or a cheat sheet to make life a little easier without there being great consequences that always lead to destruction. “‘Go in through the narrow gate to get true life with GOD. There is a wide gate that is easy to go through. The wide path is easy to travel on. Many people find that wide gate, but it is the way to hell.” Matthew 7:13 EASY.
I recently watched a documentary called “The Gold Mafia”. I was shocked and intrigued at how much money was being pushed around through fraudulent means, and how supposedly prominent people were raping African countries for their resources and not giving a single thought about the poor citizens who should be benefiting from their land’s gold. Some of the people at the center of these scandals were so-called “men of GOD”. Self-proclaimed ministers of the gospel yet shamelessly aligning with the enemy for quick and easy riches. Their lifestyle and wealth could be tempting of course to the average person, but what I could not get past while watching, was how much darkness and evil surrounded these people. Their lives might have looked shiny and glamorous to outsiders, but it was clear that their souls were being held hostage by the enemy, and they did what they did with absolutely no fear of GOD, all the while professing Him in their churches. “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” Mark 8:36 NKJV.
Evil is tempting and is often presented as an innocent quick fix solution to our immediate and long term problems. None of us enjoy trials, challenges, and hardships, and those seasons can be extremely painful and heavy to pass through, but anything coming from the enemy, no matter how shiny and simple it looks, is a trap. Our trials are necessary, not only for what GOD is doing for and in us, but are absolutely vital to who we are becoming in Christ. Those who look at us as though we are fools for holding onto Jesus, and Him alone, will one day see the blessing in our choices. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love GOD, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 KJV. Very few things are better than the peace that GOD gives those who are His. To be able to sleep knowing that you have not done anything to soil your soul and that GOD, and GOD alone, is the giver of all good things and He adds no sorrow with His gifts.
A time is coming where those who held on to Christ in the storms, and those who chose the easy but deadly way will be standing side by side, and the latter will envy the former as the truth of their choices is being revealed. Greatness is not the absence of training. Ask any militant and they will tell you, that in order to go up against the enemy, you will need mental and physical strength greater than the average person. Since our battle as believers is in the heavenly places, our mental, emotional and spiritual strength is what will sustain us till the coming of our LORD Jesus Christ.
Our trials are necessary, not only for what GOD is doing for and in us, but are absolutely vital to who we are becoming in Christ