Sunday Message Summary, 7 May 2023
What is sin? Sin is missing the mark, it is wrongdoing, transgressing the righteousness/holiness of GOD. Sin is an illusion. What sin promises does not exist, which means that sin promises what we can never attain. It is an intricate web which is there to deceive and destroy. It is an anti-climax, a false thrill that culminates into nothing. Sin creates a false need. Like a shrewd and cunning salesman or deceptive advertising, sin sells and causes us to buy what we don’t need. Sin is a fool’s paradise, and at the end of sin is one giant disappointment. Sin is one big lie. The devil lies, deceives, and tempts Christians (John 8:44 NKJV). There is nothing good that the devil can offer, but he brings out the worst in us if we allow him. All that sin does is to entice, deceive, and eventually destroy.
Sin is something that believers must avoid like a plague. Satan gives with one hand and takes away with the other, so nothing good ever comes out of sin. Sin corrupts the holy and righteous person, and it corrupts thoroughly (Ephesians 4:22 NKJV). Sin wants us to do things that destroy us, and it cannot offer anything except for corruption and destruction (Ephesians 4:22 EASY). Sin is a place of endless darkness and emptiness. It is a road to nowhere but destruction and death eventually. It results in loss of dignity, honor, things, respect, money, relationships, income, businesses, and peace of mind. Sin is an abomination, a reproach, and a disgrace which we cannot pride ourselves in.
The strength of the devil is in us not taking his things seriously. It is for this reason that Job dealt with sin aggressively, not being religious nor sanctimonious, understanding that sin is ruthless and aggressive (Job 31:1 NIV). Job also understood that sin operates through the ear gate and the eye gate (1 John 2:16 NKJV). In the Garden of Eden, the tree was always there, yet Eve never desired or lusted after it until she opened her ear gate and eye gate (Genesis 3:4-6 NKJV). Therefore, we must be careful of what we hear and how we hear it, and of what we see and how we see it. If we do fall into sin however, GOD is able to cleanse from all sin, so we must cry out to Him like David did (Psalm 51:10-13 NKJV). GOD does not judge nor reject people who have fallen into sin. No matter what we have done, regardless of our struggles and shortcomings, GOD will never close the Heavens on us. Even if we fall, we should not give up, but like David we ought to ask the LORD to create a consistency in us that we may be able to stand and not fall. GOD restores us from sin, and He is able to keep us from falling.
If we fall into sin, GOD does not want to humiliate or reject us, His children, but He wants to restore us (1 John 1:9 NKJV). He has promised that He will never leave nor forsake us, and GOD will never go back on His Word. This is the heart of GOD towards those who miss the mark. Therefore, if anyone among us falls into sin, we also must not condemn nor burn them alive. We must not destroy, but we must restore them in a spirit of gentleness, not in pride, not grandstanding, and not acting like we are better (Galatians 6:1 NKJV/AMP). Hypocritical believers are the reason why the church is failing to restore and why the church is powerless in dealing with the issues of sin. We ourselves are not exempt from falling into sin, so we should not judge. Temptation comes to all of us, so we need sobriety in how we deal with one another. People who have fallen into sin don’t need a lecture, judgement nor condemnation, but they need encouragement, comforting, strengthening, restoration, and the love of GOD (Luke 22:31-32 NKJV). Sin’s ultimate goal is to separate us from GOD and all His promises and blessings, but our ministry is a ministry of reconciliation.
No matter what we have done, regardless of our struggles and shortcomings, GOD will never close the Heavens on us.