Sunday Message Summary, 14 May 2023
In Matthew 17:14-20, when Jesus’ disciples could not deliver the boy who had a mute spirit, Jesus called them a perverse generation because they had no faith in GOD whatsoever. Moreover, the LORD was equally rebuking the scribes and the father of the boy (Mark 9:14-19 NKJV). Today, if we ourselves are failing to believe GOD, failing to believe in His power, the rebuke also applies to us. Jesus gave the rebuke because He was expecting for the boy to be healed by the disciples, yet they couldn’t do it because of their unbelief. Jesus calls the faithless the perverse, and we should not be people who are fit for such a rebuke.
When things are not moving nor happening, we must look inward because the problem may be on the inside. This is the problem of faith. Faith is a heart that believes GOD and His Word. In this world and its vastness, all we need is to believe GOD. For a child of GOD, faith is our true identity. It is who we truly are. It is faith that draws us closer to GOD and enriches our relationship with Him. Sadly, such is our lack of faith, that we often choose to start with other solutions to our problems instead of starting with GOD. This is how low we have fallen.
Just like our faith, when sown, the mustard seed, though it is the least of all seeds, grows and becomes greater, and it is unstoppable (Matthew 13:31-32 NKJV). What is important though is that it must be sown. No matter how little, when faith is applied, it becomes unstoppable. When it is acted upon, nothing shall be impossible. Our victory is in faith (1 John 5:4 NKJV), but unused faith only results in failure and defeat. If we are looking for help, we must go to GOD. A foolish man is one who has faith but does not act on it (James 2:14 NKJV). We must put our faith to work because faith + action = reaction and results (James 2:20-22 NKJV). By works, faith is made perfect, and faith other than the faith that acts is not faith at all (James 2:24-26 NKJV). The word “believe” is a verb.
When we act out of faith it is called obedience. Unless we do, nothing will happen. The faith of Abraham, for example, was a doing faith. In the faith language, speaking is doing, and prayer is doing. We act by speaking to the mountain (Mark 11:22-23 NKJV). All creation knows the voice of GOD, therefore when we speak the Word of GOD, there is a response.
The word “believe” is a verb.