Thursday, 25 May 2023
“Then Peter spoke up. “LORD, if it is really you, order me to come out on the water to you.” “Come!” answered Jesus. So Peter got out of the boat and started walking on the water to Jesus. But when he noticed the strong wind, he was afraid and started to sink down in the water. “Save me, LORD!” he cried. At once Jesus reached out and grabbed hold of him and said, “What little faith you have! Why did you doubt?” – Matthew 14:28-31 GNT
This story of Peter has always fascinated me for several reasons. Here is a boat with all of Jesus’ disciples in it. These are men who spent time with GOD Himself. They were taught by Him, ate with Him, saw Him perform mind-boggling miracles right in front of them, and yet, only one man had the courage to step out of the boat in faith and walk on water towards Jesus. It’s more like how many of us are. We go to church, read the Word of GOD, listen to the Word, are inspired, healed, and encouraged by the Word, taught, and through testimonies we see what wonders Jesus has done for His people and we are left in awe of His power and magnitude. The problem comes after we, ourselves, receive a prophecy, especially if the word spoken to us sounds too big or impossible to come to pass in light of our current circumstances. We are excited, yes, when the word is spoken, and maybe we even begin walking out of the boat in faith. Applying for that job, that house, that car. Making those phone calls or even sending out the emails, but like Peter, when the rejection letters begin coming in and the regret calls flood us, we begin to doubt if what we did was actually acting in faith or foolishness, and so we stop moving and revert back to our old regular lives, not knowing how close we were to our breakthrough. “What little faith you have! Why did you doubt?”
The problem is that we find comfort and trust in our abilities rather than looking at Jesus’ abilities and power. Had Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, the storm and the wind around him would not have harmed him. After all, the one who controls them was right there in front of Him. Maybe when the disciples saw Peter get out of the boat and walk on water they were in utter awe of this incredible moment and how their fellow brother was even able to do such. But it’s also possible that when Peter began to sink, they judged him and even questioned his decision to do something so ridiculous. Who we surround ourselves with on this journey is vital. There will be those who cheer us on in the beginning and stand with us but when the storms come and the shaking happens, their confession changes.
In the book of Exodus, when the Amalekites attacked the Israelites, Moses went up the mountain and stood with the staff of GOD in his hands. Whenever it was raised, the children of GOD were victorious, and when he lowered it they would be defeated. Holding that staff up the entire day was no easy feet and the Bible tells us that he would get weak at times. “When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset. So Joshua overcame the army with the sword.”Exodus 17:12-13 NIV.
This life is a battle and every single day we are called out to fight. It matters who is with us when we are in the eye of the storm and what their role is. We need at least one Aaron and one Hur who will help hold up the Word of GOD in our hearts and minds when we are giving up. Those who will speak right and redirect us when we seem to be losing our way. Faith is what we have at the point of salvation, and as such, we believe the Word of GOD spoken into our hearts, but doubt is the locusts that come to eat away what the LORD had already released to us. It would do us well to guard our hearts and minds against the devourers who are, doubt and unbelief, and hold steadfast to our Savior as He leads us into the promises.
Peter stepping out of the boat and walking on water was a great reminder of what happens when we, ourselves, step out of our comfort zones in faith, and when we keep our eyes on Jesus. Miracles, signs, and wonders become who we are, and we can only go from glory to glory. The point however, is to always keep our eyes on the goal and on the One who makes all things possible.
It would do us well to guard our hearts and minds against the devourers who are, doubt and unbelief, and hold steadfast to our Savior as He leads us into the promises