Let’s Talk About Faith (Part 3)

Let’s Talk About Faith (Part 3)

Sunday Message Summary, 28 May 2023

According to the LORD, the GOD who made everything, nothing shall be impossible for us if we believe (Matthew 17:19-20 NKJV). Faith deals with those things that no man can do, and it is only the faith that believes that the impossible is possible that does the impossible. With GOD, nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37 KJV), so GOD will always make a way of escape, whatever the situation. There is no situation that won’t budge to God’s command, and just as the things that GOD made respond to Him, they will respond to us because faith causes impossible things to begin to respond to us. Without the impossible there is no faith. Faith does not deny the facts, but faith acknowledges the facts and looks beyond. This is why Caleb and Joshua, though they saw that it was impossible to overcome the obstacles in Canaan, still believed they could do it (Numbers 13:27-28, 30). They believed because the LORD had spoken.

It is when we act by faith that we are truly acting, living, and walking like GOD. When Moses was instructed by the LORD to speak to the rock (Numbers 20:7-8 NKJV), he was being told to operate like GOD. This is the divine nature that GOD has come to give us. Faith pleases GOD because when we operate in and by faith, we are operating like Him. Everything GOD made, He made to obey us, however we need to dominate by faith, taking control, authority, and power. Creation is thus not waiting on GOD, but it is waiting for us, the sons of GOD (Romans 8:19 NKJV). The man that GOD created is therefore a scary thing. Once we are reunited with GOD, nothing shall be impossible for us.

Faith is our victory, and this never changes because faith has no time nor season. Faith works whenever we are ready (Mark 9:23 NKJV). Faith is always and it works all the time. Therefore, faith wins all the time. Like Peter when he walked on water, whenever we are ready to believe, it is a “Yes!” from GOD (Matthew 14:25-29 TPT). I AM is here right now, so there is nothing that is there to sink nor drown us, and we also ought to walk on water. GOD never stops working (John 5:17 AMP), but we only stop believing. The supernatural, which we tap into by faith, causes things to happen for us whenever we believe. We are thus not hindered by God, but by doubt, unbelief, and fear. What pleases GOD is the stepping out by faith. It is not the failing that GOD marks, but He marks the trying. There is therefore no shame in continuing to pray until we get what we want. When we stop trying, we are just limiting ourselves. Whether or not we believe, GOD will respect our choice. It is according to our faith.

Faith remembers and rests on the Word of GOD. Faith therefore always confesses the Word of GOD, not our fears, doubts, worries, weaknesses, shortcomings, nor limitations, because we are not believing in our own ability and power. On our own we can do nothing, but with GOD we can do all things (Matthew 19:26 NKJV), so if GOD is with us, who can stand against us and succeed?

GOD never stops working, but we only stop believing.

One Comment

  1. Alpheus

    In many teaching of faith, there was never an important teachings we are getting about faith. I do believe that majority of us wondered for quite a long time, how did Jesus walk on water. With these series of FAITH teachings, we do not have to wonder anymore, because we were taught how it happen, from where it started to how end, and even Peter walked on water.

    We are taught that we need to have faith as small as the mustard seed, meaning we need a small faith to operate in the spiritual realm. The myth is broken down of having big faith. For as long as we have small FAITH, we can move mountains.

    Power to the small things, who would have thought that we need a small FAITH to achieve big results, i.e. spiritual and physical.

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