Sunday Message Summary, 16 July 2023
“We shall see what will become of his dreams.” These were the words uttered by the brothers of Joseph as they conspired to kill him (Genesis 37:18-20 KJV). This is the last thing one would expect to see. Nothing could appease the brothers except for the death of Joseph. They hated him so much because of his gift from the LORD. As children of favor and products of grace, we are so much like Joseph and we are not even aware of it. The enemy is not smiling nor laughing, but he has anger against us. It is for this reason that we are always in the crosshairs of the devil. The problem is the grace and favor upon us. We must be fully aware of this. Not everyone wishes us well. Not everyone is for us, in our corner, or on our side. Satan will use people against us, and the closer their proximity to us, the better for him. The devil knows how to steal the things of GOD, so we need to be discerning of the people we keep around us. The most deceived person is the person who thinks everybody loves them.
The favor of GOD distinguishes and sets us apart, so we should not expect people to welcome us with open arms (1 John 3:1 KJV). The grace and favor of GOD was on Joseph, it set him above the rest, but the rest did not like it. Favor is not fair. There is something about God’s favor on a person that gets people worked up because of the spirit in them that hates us. This is why the brothers of Joseph hated him for no reason. People will dislike and hate us just because of the favor of GOD upon us. We also cannot be so naïve to believe that every believer has the Spirit of GOD. People will tell lies and half truths about us in order to discredit us and to pull us down. If they do find anything negative about us, they will blow it out of proportion. These things happen to us children of GOD. If there is anything good going for us, Satan is out to get us. The enemy has come to steal, kill, and destroy.
No one can fight God’s grace on our lives and win, but if we don’t put GOD first, our haters will get us. Joseph put GOD first and had a relationship with Him. This is what denied access to the devil. The things that haters do to us come to validate us. They prove that what we have is from GOD, and a person of GOD cannot be destroyed. God’s special favor is upon us through our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ. When people try to fight, stop, and destroy the favor of GOD, they are only promoting us, fast-tracking the plan of GOD for our lives, and pointing us in the right direction. Importantly however, when people say to us, “we shall see”, we must forgive them, embrace them, bless them, and love them. People are fighting within us something that is beyond them. Furthermore, when the people who once hated us for no reason come to us when GOD has elevated and blessed us, we must receive them. We must not deny them anything, but we must forgive, bless them, and give them whatever they need from us. If we don’t forgive those who hate us, GOD will not entrust us with true riches.
GOD chooses contrary to human standard and expectation, and He does not go by human order, tradition, or alignment (1 Corinthians 1:26-28 KJV). Joseph, for example, was nothing but ordinary in his family, but He was chosen by the LORD. GOD is looking for the unknowns, the unqualified, the nobodies, and the non-entities. These are the ones that GOD shows favor. The LORD brings us out from deep obscurity into the limelight with Him. GOD chooses from the junk yard of humanity.
GOD chooses from the junk yard of humanity.