Well, They Can See

Well, They Can See

Friday, 21 July 2023

“David continued to succeed in everything he did, for the LORD was with him” – 1 Samuel 18:14 NLT

The Israelites were on a journey from Egypt to the promised land. Every nation knew that they were previously slaves and were held against their will in Egypt. Now on their journey to the promised land, they encountered and fought nations that were more powerful than them, everyone knew this. This didn’t make sense to other nations because they didn’t have an army (you can’t have an army while you are a slave), and yet they were defeating every opponent that came their way. On this journey they not only defeated nations, they completely obliterated them (Joshua 2:10). This made them to be feared by all nations, and at the mention of their name, nations were overcome with fear (not bad for a slave nation). Rahab in her discussion with the spies, eluded to this fact. “I know the LORD has given you this land,” she told them. “We are all afraid of you. Everyone in the land is living in terror” (Joshua 2:9 NLT). Their reputation was such that Rahab knew that they already own the land even before they lifted a weapon.

Like Apostle Paul before me, I also knew a woman. A woman whose only distinguishing attribute is that she knows and fears the LORD. She works in an industry where it’s hard to rise up the ranks in a short period of time. An industry where people have been occupying the same positions for decades without promotion. Yet in a period of less than ten years, she has already been promoted four times. At one point, she had more than a hundred people reporting to her. In the management meetings, she’s almost always the youngest person in the room. Anyone who asks her about her secret, she is quick to tell them it’s all GOD’s work. Obviously, with elevation and promotion, there’s always opposition and persecution. Some will hate and accuse you of scheming, but those who are honest and fair give glory to her GOD.

GOD’s elevation and promotion aren’t fair, nor earned. He chooses those He promotes, and no one can reverse or destroy His favor over your life. It’s the same favor that located a young boy herding his father’s cattle and catapulted him to being a king. The same favor that found a virgin girl and made her give birth to a Savior. The same favor that took an absolute nobody like Gideon and made him a liberator and conquerer. The same favor that took a slave nation and made them a mighty force to be reckoned with (to this very day). All these examples highlight a very important point, that none of the people GOD used, had a special skill to begin with. Yet GOD did great exploits through them, such that it was obvious to everyone around them that they had special favor over their lives.

“The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The LORD is with you” Luke 1:28 NIV. “I am the LORD’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled”Luke 1:38 NIV. All that is needed from us is complete surrender and willingness to be vessels. The how and when is up to GOD. We must come just as we are and Holy Spirit will take over (Philippians 2:13 NLT). He gives us the desire and the ability to do what pleases GOD. This is how we set ourselves apart from the rest of the world. Our ability comes, not from our “ability”, but from GOD’s ability. We are merely vessels (incubators) through which GOD does great exploits. This is how we shine and put the enemy to shame. This is how we glorify GOD, and how the world can attest to His power and majesty. This is how the world kills a thousand and we kill ten thousands.

GOD’s elevation and promotion aren’t fair, nor earned. He chooses those He promotes, and no one can reverse or destroy His favor over your life


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