Sunday Message Summary, 30 July 2023
We are partners of divinity with GOD. We are partakers of the divine nature of GOD, His character of godliness, and we are one with Him (2 Peter 1:3-4 NKJV). GOD has a unity of divinity with humanity, to produce a oneness (1 Corinthians 6:17 NKJV). We are thus inseparable and indistinguishable. We are part of who GOD is and we have been given the grace to experience Him and to experience being like Him. The DNA of GOD is in us, so we have the likeness of Christ. We are heavenly, born from above (1 Corinthians 15:46-49 KJV), and that which is born of the Spirit is fully spirit (John 3:6 NKJV). Therefore, we are as human as we are godly, and we are as godly as we are human. We have a dual nature. The implication is that though there is no man who can do all things, the one who shares the divinity, i.e., the child of GOD, can do all things and is not limited by times and seasons, nor by nature and circumstances (Philippians 4:13 NKJV). We therefore have no limitation, barrier, or impossibility.
We are part GOD and part man. How is it that we, in our imperfections, can be equated to a GOD who is perfect (1 John 3:1 KJV)? This is a mystery. Christ Himself was man as He was GOD, as GOD as He was man, and they did not understand Him. This is because everyone born of the Spirit is no longer flesh, but spirit. The real person of the spirit cannot be seen but is only discerned by the Spirit of GOD (John 3:7-8 NKJV). In the main, Christians are groping in the dark because we ourselves do not understand who we are. We are sons and daughters of GOD, and we ought to live victoriously here on Earth, not trying to fit in, but we do not understand how to take care of the godly and divine part of us in the way that we know how to take care of the physical part of us (1 Timothy 4:8 NKJV). Early Christians were being killed because people couldn’t understand Jesus. However, we the Church are spirit, and we understand. Therefore, we have an urgent, bigger assignment of making the mystery known in the spirit realm (Ephesians 3:8-10 NKJV).
We are like Christ now in this world (1 John 4:17 KJV). We are sons of GOD, now in the present (1 John 3:2 KJV). Our present reality is that we straddle and coexist in two realms (Colossians 3:3-4 NKJV; Ephesians 2:6 NLT). The devil is trying his best to convince us that we are carnal, but we are born by that which is incorruptible and eternal (1 Peter 1:23 NKJV). The devil knows that he can only defeat children of GOD in the flesh, so he steals the Word which makes us aware of who we truly are. On the other hand, the Spirit of GOD teaches us to use faith to get hold of the incorruptible. When we get hold of the incorruptible, even the corruptible things are ours.
The key to our god status is the knowledge of Christ (2 Peter 1:3 NKJV). How much revelation of the Person of Christ do we have? As children of GOD, it is paramount for us to know Christ. We need to grow in the knowledge of Christ by revelation, understanding and wisdom given by the Holy Spirit, to know everything He has done for us, all that He has given us, and to know the power that is so great that it is impossible to describe (Ephesians 1:17 NKJV). This great power of GOD is available to us and is in us, just as it was in Christ. We discover it when we discover Jesus. We are partakers of the divine nature through the promises (2 Peter 1:4 NKJV). It is these promises that cause us to act like GOD. What have we done through the promises that catapult us into godliness?
We are partakers of the divine nature of GOD, His character of godliness, and we are one with Him.