Temet Nosce

Temet Nosce

Friday, 04 August 2023

“Beloved, now we are children of GOD; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is” – 1 John 3:2 NKJV

Neo was very accomplished in his career as a software engineer, and he worked for a well respected company. He had everything someone his age would desire and aspire for. Yet every night at home he felt this void and emptiness in his life. He then encountered a man named Morpheus who told him that things weren’t as they seemed. He told him that all of human existence was in bondage, and he was the “one” chosen to save everyone. This was a Prophecy foretold by the Oracle (prophet). He was then taken to meet the Oracle, so she could confirm that he was the one. Deep down, Neo didn’t believe he was the one as this would mean that he had powers /potential he didn’t think he had. When he stepped into the room, the Oracle sensed his disbelief and she made him read a poster on the wall that read, “Temet Nosce”, which means, “Know Thyself”. She then said to him, “No one can tell you that you’re the one, you have to know it for yourself.” There’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.

My wife has a dual SIM card phone that operates between two networks, MTN and Vodacom. The MTN SIM card is a contract that has data and airtime. While the Vodacom SIM card is prepaid and has neither of the two. As a result, she always uses the MTN part of the phone, thereby neglecting the prepaid one. So she never uses the Vodacom SIM card and doesn’t get any benefits from the network, because to use it would require her to purchase data and airtime. As Christians, we are also like this dual SIM phone. We have a divine, godly, spiritual character and a human one. Like the people of the world, we sometimes focus on the human aspect and neglect or don’t feed the divine character. As a result, the divine is neglected and marasmic.

We need to first know who we are, and whose we are. In the same way, we feed our bodies so that they can become strong and healthy, we also ought to feed the spirit man. “Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of GOD” (Matthew 4:4 NIV). Like my wife’s unused Vodacom SIM card, we also need to feed our divine form with sustenance (the Word) so that it may also become strong and healthy. It’s the Word that reveals who we truly are. It’s where GOD’s true identity is hidden, and where those that seek and search for Him diligently, will find and discover Him. Like Peter standing in the boat surrounded by turbulent waves, it’s only when we see and know Jesus that we realize that we can walk on water. Without Him nothing is possible.

Like Neo before the Oracle, we must first reckon with who we are in the spirit. We must know and operate in it. Though I’m sitting on a couch while writing this, my divine form is with GOD in the heavenly realms. This is why satan distracts us with petty issues so that we move our focus from where it should be. His modus operandi is making us focus on the flesh and its natural needs while neglecting the spiritual.

“But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about” John 4:32 NIV. “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work” John 4:34 NIV. Jesus was highlighting the fact that our focus should not be on one aspect of our existence, but to serve and nourish both. This can only be revealed by Holy Spirit through His Word. And it first starts with us knowing who we are- Temet Nosce. The world only likes us when we are like them when we operate in the flesh. When we start walking in the divine, we are labeled extreme and unaccommodating. What they don’t realize is that this is who we were created to be, and the version of our old self they desire and like, was our default setting.

We need to first know who we are, and whose we are. In the same way, we feed our bodies so that they can become strong and healthy, we also ought to feed the spirit man


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