We Are A Collective

We Are A Collective

Friday, 01 September 2023

“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” – Amos 3:3 KJV

Unlike most adults that I know, I love watching science fiction (sci-fi). One of my favorite shows is Star Trek. There is an alien race that is known as The Borg. They are cybernetic organisms (cyborgs) whose only goal in life is to reach perfection. They accomplish this perfection by assimilating other races into their own race. What this means is that they abduct and transform other races into cyborgs by infecting them with their own blood (nano-probes). Once you are assimilated you are no longer an individual, but you are now part of the “collective”. What this means is that your thoughts are no longer your own, you all share one thought, one consciousness with the collective. Every single cyborg has no desires of their own, but their only objective is to serve, advance, and perfect the Borg. Whatever skills and knowledge you once had will now belong to and be added to the collective. They are indestructible as they possess vast amounts of knowledge (e.g. health, weaponry, defense, technology) that they have accumulated from assimilating thousands of races. They achieve this perfection because there are no individuals in the collective as they ALL have ONE objective/goal. They are similar to the people of Babel in that their thoughts and actions are consumed with achieving their objectives above their own personal ambitions. Whenever they encounter a new race the first words that come out of their mouth is, “We are the Borg”. This is because being the Borg is the ultimate achievement.

“But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” Matthew 6:33 NIV. I often wondered why the Bible always stresses this with regard to how believers ought to conduct themselves. The thing is when we come to GOD we all have different desires and problems. Though we all want to serve Him with our all, the problem is that we are also going through the most. And it’s these constant worries that sometimes preoccupy our thoughts and as a result remove our focus from GOD. These thoughts then become idols that we can’t stop stressing about, we can’t stop meditating about. As a result, our objectives in church are sometimes not similar. Yet this verse shows that if we all just have one mindset, that is of advancing the Kingdom at all costs, GOD will then cater to those secret desires that we all have. When we seek the Kingdom at all costs, we will gravitate towards each other as our objectives will be in alignment. This will invariably lead to unity and oneness. The divide that is breaking our unity and efficiency is a result of not relating to one another because our objectives are not the same.

“And all those who had believed [in Jesus as Savior] were together and had all things in common [considering their possessions to belong to the group as a whole]” Acts 2:44 AMP. I once went to a Christian camp to Zimbabwe with six other people. Throughout the whole trip, we shared everything together. If you bought a liter of coke you’d take a sip and pass it along to someone else. By the time it comes back to you, it would be finished, but it came back with a packet of chips and sweets. You then dig in and pass it along as well. I remember people in Zim wanted to be around us all the time. Those were the best seven days of my life as a Christian, and sadly I have never ever experienced that level of oneness again. That must have been what it was like in the church in the book of Acts. The Bible says that many were added to their number who were being saved. This is because the only thing that preoccupied their minds was their unity and love for each other and GOD. As a result, multitudes were drawn to them.

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven” Matthew 18:19 NIV. When two spiritual beings come together with one objective/goal nothing is impossible. This is because you need to be in agreement to come together like this to pray. You are unified and not self-serving. This is the power we possess as children of GOD. The same reason why the walls of Jericho fell. Satan knows this and this is the reason why he fights unity amongst brethren. This is why he also dispersed the men who were around Saul, as a result, Saul fell. The same reason Judas betrayed Christ and the disciples is because he wasn’t united with them in their goals and objectives. He sought to fulfil his own desires instead of working together with them to advance the Kingdom. This is why every GOD-ordained spiritual leader will rub you up the wrong way. This is because satan knows that your unity with this person will enable you to achieve what GOD has called you to do. It takes great maturity and discernment to be able to see the hand of satan with regard to your interactions with other Christians. This is why the same people who don’t want to submit to their leaders, are the same people who hardly ever testify, or ever bear fruit. This is because they are fighting the unity GOD is trying to establish.

When we seek the Kingdom at all costs, we will gravitate towards each other as our objectives will be in alignment. This will invariably lead to unity and oneness


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