Thursday, 05 October 2023
“GOD is not like people, who lie; He is not a human who changes his mind. Whatever he promises, he does; He speaks, and it is done. I have been instructed to bless, And when GOD blesses, I cannot call it back.” – Numbers 23:19-20 GNT
I recently saw a video of an Arab Prince who was on a mission to make random kids’ wishes come true. In this particular clip, he asked a young boy, who could have been around 5 years old, what he would like, and the boy said a Mercedes. Then you see the Prince smile, and hear him whisper to his assistant, “Get his address.” The next shot is a picture of that same boy with a brand new top-of-the-range Mercedes. All the Prince had to say was a word and it was done. This is a mere man and he could have been joking, or he could have just laughed and moved on. After all, what is a 5-year-old going to do with a real car? As much as we know that the Prince has money and he can do whatever he wants, he is also just a person and can change his mind, but he stayed true to his word and that’s what made the video trend.
How many times does GOD stay true to His Word and the most He gets is a nod and quick acknowledgment, instead of the awe-inspiring praise He deserves? This is because people assume their blessings are a result of their hard work, of good decisions in life. Or because the Word took long to come to pass, it must have not been GOD anymore. The truth is, everyone breathing on this earth is nothing without The Almighty. He is ruler of all and the Creator, the Author and finisher of absolutely EVERYTHING under the sun. “All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” John 1:3 NKJV. And that on its own is such a deep comfort. It tells me that no matter how dire and pitiful our situation might look, when our GOD speaks a Word, all of heaven and earth must move to make it come to pass.
As children of GOD our challenges and trials truly are the breeding ground for miracles. Our GOD is the GOD of the impossible and if there’s ever a time where we truly see His magnificence and glory, it is when people have concluded the worst and have called an end to a matter. But as believers, we should know that as long as we have breath in us, (and even when we don’t) our GOD has the final say. “In GOD (I will praise His word), In the LORD (I will praise His word), In GOD I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” Psalms 56:10-11 NKJV.
Our trust does not belong to man. Man will let you down every and any chance he gets because he is not Almighty. Our GOD does not have to move from where He is in order to help us. His Word alone is what changes our lives and our world as we know it. There is a deep comfort in knowing that we need only to ask for a word. For Jesus to please speak a word, and for us to hear His word and obey it. His word will never ever return to Him void, but we do need to learn to allow it to do what He has sent it to do. Our impatience is what leads us to disappointment and depression, and to no longer trusting anything GOD has to say. We must trust in Him with all our hearts and never ever lean on our own extremely limited understanding.
Our GOD is the GOD of the impossible and if there’s ever a time where we truly see His magnificence and glory, it is when people have concluded the worst and have called an end to a matter