Friday, 10 November 2023
“But suddenly, Nebuchadnezzar jumped up in amazement and exclaimed to his advisers, “Didn’t we tie up three men and throw them into the furnace?” “Yes, Your Majesty, we certainly did,” they replied” – Daniel 3:24 NLT
Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego had set themselves apart from everyone and as a result, King Nebuchadnezzar favored them. Even their enemies knew that they were blameless before everyone, and especially before the King. This is why they had to devise a plan to get them to be despised by the king. They tricked him into killing the Jewish boys. He didn’t want to but he didn’t have a choice. Obviously, because they knew the king had affection for the Jewish boys, they wouldn’t have been surprised if the king had changed his mind about killing them. So at any moment they probably expected their plans to fall through. They must have been encouraged when the king ordered his servants to heat up the furnace seven times hotter than usual. It was so hot that the soldiers who took the Jewish boys inside the furnace actually died. So it was clear to everyone that whoever goes into the furnace wouldn’t survive it. When they were eventually put into the furnace they must have secretly celebrated as their plans finally fell into place. All their scheming and planning had come to a positive conclusion as the matter had finally been settled. They were victorious and they had finally eradicated their threat. This is when the movie ends and on the screen, you see the famous two words “The End”. This is when we all start vacating the cinema room and make our way to our cars.
When it’s all said and done, GOD always has the final say. When the body is already “decaying” and the family is busy washing dishes so that they can leave, this is when GOD throws a spanner in the mix. This is when the Son of Man instructs you to open the tomb as there’s still a twist to the plot. It’s at this moment when everyone will see and know who GOD is. This is when the supernatural intervenes to shake up the status quo. It’s not over because GOD ALWAYS has the final say.
“He said, “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods” – Daniel 3:25 NIV.
When they had “concluded” the matter, GOD remained GOD. The king knowing he had sent in three men, noticed that there were instead four men walking around in the furnace. He could also see that the fourth man wasn’t a man, but he seemed like a son of the gods. No one told him this, he saw it for himself. This is the kind of situation that gives GOD the glory. When your enemies can see for themselves that your deliverance isn’t natural and possible. When they are left with no other explanation but that your breakthrough is divine. And the one standing next to you in the furnace isn’t natural but divine. In the same way, the nations knew that the Israelites served the true living GOD by what they did to their enemies, by completely destroying them (Joshua 2:8-11).
Your current predicament or challenge is never beyond GOD’s ability to overcome. Every single hair on your head is numbered by the Most High, so why would He allow a minor hiccup to obliterate or defeat you? All things work for the good of those who love the LORD. We quote this Scripture all the time, but do we really mean it? Do we really understand it? The three Jews knew this truth with every fiber in their body. They believed it so wholeheartedly that they willingly walked into the furnace knowing Who their GOD was. What furnace have I walked into knowing who my Master is? Do I go in knowing and expecting Him to deliver me? Or do I fight and cry while being pushed into it, because I have doubt? GOD is more than able. He is the Fourth Man in the fire. The one that always comes on time.” I thank You, Jesus”.
Every single hair on your head is numbered by the Most High, so why would He allow a minor hiccup to obliterate or defeat you?
One Comment
God is good all the time. Trust in him he wont forsake you in anyday. What I like most in him he reveals everything. And his last chapter in the book of life is Revelation. Why? At the end things reveal themselves and he will protect your innocence. I love the place he lives in. He lives in us.