“It’s My Move?”. Checkmate

“It’s My Move?”. Checkmate

Friday, 17 November 2023

“Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us,” – Ephesians 3:20 AMP

Like Apostle Paul before me, I too know of a man. A man who has a business that he runs on a stand that is 300 sqm. His business has two rooms that aren’t quite enough for his business to operate efficiently. He knows this very well and he desired that he could have a bigger space to operate. One day about 100m away from his business he noticed that there was a vacant land that was approximately 1500 sqm that is for sale. While still contemplating about this stand, he visualized owning the land and building a bigger business that could accommodate other business people as tenants. He could move from being a tenant to being a landlord. There would be more than enough space for parking and for more rooms than he could handle. And then suddenly “reality” hit him like a Corobrik thrown by an adversary. Then he thought to himself, “If I can’t afford to buy a smaller place, what would I do with a big place like this. Where would I get the money to even buy it?”. Two years ago that vacant land was worth R1,5m.

Sunday’s teaching, I must be honest, was uncomfortable and challenging. It’s easy to believe GOD for small small as it’s stuff that you probably have a plan b on how to achieve on your own. Now when you step into the realm of the “impossible” that’s when your whole belief system gets stretched and tested. Phillip was a disciple who walked with GOD for almost three years. He knew who Christ was and what he was capable of. Yet when faced with the monumental task of feeding thousands his faith failed him. He just couldn’t see past the thousands and the “limited” resources at his disposal. Even if you were a master at rationing food, there is no way you can feed this multitude with few loaves and fishes. We sometimes limit GOD when it comes to things our minds can’t fathom/comprehend.

Ephesians 3:20, When you really dissect it, says so much about GOD’s ability and willingness to bless us beyond our mind’s comprehension, according to His power that is at work in us. So it’s HIS power, not OURS that is at work within us (in essence it’s Him doing the work, not us. So why do we doubt). So the limiting factor in this equation is me, not GOD. So my lack is not from GOD’s end but from my own. He has done His part and on top of that, He has deposited His Spirit inside of me. The same Spirit that resurrected Christ, the same Spirit that parted the Red Sea.

Going back to that businessman that I know, his mindset is his limiting factor. While still contemplating his next move, he then realized that there is another vacant stand across the first one. He then thought that he could use it to build rental apartments. That would, then, mean that he would own at least 3000 sqm of land. He now realizes that his prayers and confession have to change drastically. His mind needs to be renewed. He is now starting to understand that it’s not a money thing. He doesn’t need money but he needs GOD. He needs to stop limiting GOD. In his current financial state, there is no way he could even afford to buy just one of those stands. Now he must believe GOD for both of them. Not only just to own both stands, but to have the means to build what he desires. This is what I meant by the teaching being uncomfortable, testing, and challenging. GOD has moved and it’s now our turn to move (and remember touch is a move). “So shall My word be that goes out from My mouth; it shall not return to Me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it” Isaiah 55:11 ESV

We sometimes limit GOD when it comes to things our minds can’t fathom/comprehend


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