Touch Not Mine Anointed

Touch Not Mine Anointed

Sunday, 26 November 2023

Would it be prudent to say that the called and chosen stewards are those children of GOD who are anointed through the Holy Spirit? Hang on, do we even truly understand what GOD says about an anointing? Let us hear what scripture says on the matter. The Old Testament in Psalms 105:6, 13-15 references the nation of Israel, GOD’s covenant people, as His anointed ones; They are a nation (people) beloved, chosen, anointed and consecrated to do GOD’s work, to be in GOD’s service, to do GOD’s purpose, and to do GOD’s will. The New Testament in Ephesians 2:10 TPT/AMP talks about you and me and says – GOD planned our lives, our destiny, the good works that we would do to fulfil our destiny, and the good works we would do to offer GOD service in advance; We are chosen, anointed, set apart (consecrated) to do GOD’s will; When we became born-again, we became consecrated. 

Two universal themes appear in both scriptures, firstly that GOD takes care of His own, of His anointed ones, and secondly that GOD has no dealings with anyone until He consecrates you. From time immemorial, GOD would have no dealings with anyone until He consecrated you – this is when GOD pulls you out, saves you, and sets you apart. We see this in every scenario in the  Bible without fail, the life of Moses being the most apt example. After 40 years of living in luxury and opulence, living as a prince in Egypt, Moses is forced to leave; GOD removed and set Moses apart because He had a destiny for Moses to fulfil; and GOD needed to take Moses out before He could deal with him. Right now some of us have frustrations because we are joining ourselves to things and people that we have no business joining ourselves to as Christians and we refuse to come out from among them. GOD cannot deal with us or use us to fulfil our purpose in this state. It took another 40 years of Moses living in the desert in a place of consecration before GOD met with him through a burning bush; like Moses, you will not encounter GOD until you put in an effort to live a life that is set apart, a consecrated life; If you happen to encounter GOD in a place that is not of consecration it would be solely to call you into it.

We do a big injustice to ourselves when we refuse to come out from among them of the world and be set apart. We are chosen, set apart, and anointed to fulfil a divine destiny that GOD has placed upon each one of us, individually and corporately as the body of Christ. Paul writes in Ephesians 2:10 AMP that we are “reborn from above – spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used” when we were created in Jesus; He talks to and about all of us modern-day Christian believers. This means that all of GOD’s people are anointed, not just the pastors, bishops, deacons and officeholders, as so many would have us believe. The anointing belongs to GOD; it is GOD’s supernatural enablement (supernatural endowment) that enables GOD to use us and enables us to be of use to GOD. A shift takes place from Psalms 105 to Ephesians 2 and this establishes all of us, sons and daughters of GOD, as the anointed generation of the LORD.

John 1:11-13 shows when and how the shift took place from Psalm 105 to Ephesians 2 when Jesus’ own people (the Jewish nation) did not receive (accept, acknowledge) Him as the Messiah but He was received by other nations; this leads to Jesus giving the right, authority, power, the anointing to the other nations. By us receiving Him, Christ gave us the right, the authority and the power – i.e. the anointing – (i) to become the children, the sons, the people of GOD, and (ii) to serve GOD. Christ gave us this two-fold anointing of the believer because no one can serve GOD of their own power or stand before GOD of their own capacity, we need the enabling grace of GOD to become His own and to be able serve Him, and this enabling grace is His anointing. Every believer, everybody who is born again, is a living stone made after and in the likeness of Thee Living Stone, Jesus Christ the Son of GOD, rejected indeed by man but chosen by GOD and precious in His sight; the world rejected (hated) Jesus and thus will reject (hate) us too; [I Peter 2: 4-5, 9 NLT].

Armed with this living knowledge and revelation that is the reality of our lives – (i) your posture when you appear before GOD changes; (ii) your posture when you approach GOD changes; (iii) your identity changes; (iv) everything about you changes knowing who you are, what you carry and that you are the anointed one! You carry supernatural endowment like no other; Even if a demon were to stand before you, everything changes when you are armed with this knowledge and revelation; Just by you being you, a demon runs from you. In I Peter 2: 5, the apostle Peter instructs us, the modern-day Christian, that we are anointed to serve. In whatever capacity that you are serving GOD or serving in the house of the LORD, you are anointed for it. You, modern-day Christians, are a chosen generation of a royal priesthood, dressed up in the royal garment in the spirit, just by virtue of being a child of GOD [I Peter 2: 9]. You, modern-day Christians, are of a holy nation, chosen, consecrated to serve GOD, consecrated to minister to GOD. You occupy two offices, you are anointed as a king and a priest, whether you be a man or a woman. You are possessed by GOD (possessed by GOD the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) to become the gospel (the good news of GOD) and to show people the goodness of GOD in you, through you, on you  [I Peter 2: 9 NLT].

We are anointed as kings: (i) to conquer; (ii) to take territory; (iii) to expand GOD’s kingdom; (iv) to enforce the rule of Christ’s kingdom on earth; (v) to serve and minister the Kingdom of GOD, to wait on GOD. As members of a royal priesthood of GOD and priests unto our GOD, we are anointed: (i) to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to GOD through Christ [I Peter 2:5]; (ii) to serve and to minister to GOD; (iii) to wait on GOD; (iv) to cry out to GOD in intercession, to take up supplications and petitions, to cry out on behalf of the nations, to cry out for the salvation of man. As GOD’s very own royal priesthood, you stand between GOD and man, between GOD and the dying world, between GOD and sinners, between GOD and the angel of death; And this is why there are things that cannot happen, things that cannot take place, when you are there because of the anointing that you carry. This is the part when the anointing has activated the supernatural favour, miracles, signs and wonders. 

You, modern-day Christian, are cautioned not to allow the work that you do in the physical world to take too much of your time away from your divine responsibility to serve and minister to GOD. This is simply because all things are permissible but not things are beneficial or advantageous for us, constructive to character, and edifying to our spiritual life [I Corinthians 6:12; I Corinthians 10:23]. The anointing we carry requires a certain posture from us. We cannot be everywhere every time when we are mindful of who we are, what we carry, and the anointing that we carry. We are a holy nation; We are not just children of GOD, we are GOD’s own special people, and we are GOD’s favourites. And when you know and understand your identity in the spirit, that you are an epistle – the Galatians, Thessalonian and Colossians) – that you are the Word, you will not be manipulated by the world [II Corinthians 3:2-3]; You will stop quoting scripture and become the epistle of Christ written not with ink but by the spirit of the living GOD Himself, to be seen, to be known and to be read by all people. You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, anointed and placed here by GOD to light up, transform, change, and influence the world outside of the Church [Matthew 5:13-16]. We are anointed for signs and wonders, to become a living miracle, a living message of GOD [Isaiah 8:18 NKJV/GNT].

Believers, we are in Christ, The Anointed One, because we are the anointed of the LORD; Without the anointing, we cannot abide; But we know that Christ is The Anointed One, so it is through the anointing (the Holy Spirit) that we abide in Him and that we ourselves are the anointed of GOD [I John 2:20,27]. The spirit of GOD can only dwell in you when you are anointed, this is how you are the temple of GOD; Anyone who touches or defiles the anointed one, the temple, invites the very wrath of GOD and shall be destroyed [I Corinthians 3:16-17]. This is the fierceness of the greater power that operates by reason of the anointing. GOD needs us to walk in love and forgiveness to activate the protection and vindication, a fierceness of such greater power that it warrants GOD Himself to heed the warning ‘Touch not my anointed ones.’

“The spirit of GOD can only dwell in you when you are anointed, this is how you are the temple of GOD; Anyone who touches or defiles the anointed one, the temple, invites the very wrath of GOD and shall be destroyed. This is the fierceness of the greater power that operates by reason of the anointing. GOD needs us to walk in love and forgiveness to activate the protection and His vindication, a fierceness of such greater power that it warrants GOD Himself to heed the warning ‘Touch not my anointed ones’


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