Sunday Message Summary, 03 December 2023
Enoch became a father to Methuselah at age 65 and for 300 years after the birth of Methuselah he walked with GOD in habitual fellowship, in reverent fear and obedience; And after 365 years Enoch was not (found among men) because GOD took him away to be home with Him in heaven, GOD translated Enoch that he should not see death [Hebrews 11:5; Genesis 5:22-24]. Enoch was human, physically present in this world like the rest of us here on earth and GOD took him from one form to another, from one dimension to another, from one realm to another, from one reality to another. GOD took, conveyed, transferred, and transported Enoch from one form of existence to another form of existence when He translated him because this form of existence on this earth is not the only form of existence there is. There is another form, dimension, realm, and reality than the one that we know, and it is so very real that it is referenced in the Old and the New Testament.
In Colossians 1:13-14 Paul tells us that GOD has afforded us the same grace that He had given Enoch; and that the reality of Enoch is no different from the reality of you and I as believers. Like He did with Enoch, GOD translated and conveyed the modern-day Christian from one life, one reality, and one existence to another with the exception that we are still here, He has not physically taken or conveyed us to the other realm. When we accepted Christ as our LORD and Saviour, GOD took us, delivered us, translated us from one form of life to another, from a lower life to a higher life, from a lesser life to a greater life; And the former lower or lesser life is no longer your address because GOD has saved you from it. Our salvation was bought with the blood of Jesus Christ and we are now in Christ; And although we are physically still on this earth, we are also seated with Christ in the heavenly places, in the spirit realm not of this world, we are also hidden with Christ in GOD because we have also been transformed in Christ.
The whole Bible is about Christ, for us to know Him, for us to know how He was hidden in the Word in the Old Testament and revealed in the Word in the New Testament, for us to be translated through the knowledge of the truth. We are instructed and urged to continue in the Word, to continue in the truth, to stay (abide) by the Word [John 8:31]; Jesus tells us and urges us that when we continue to obey and to live in accordance with His teachings, we will know the truth regarding salvation [John 8:31-32]. As we continue in the revelation of who Christ is to you and to me, the reality of a new life free from the penalty of sin becomes increasingly clearer and the realization of such a life increases. Jesus says ‘he who abides in Me and My words abide in them, they will ask anything and it shall be done for them’ [John 15:7] – why? – because such a believer continues in the truth that is in the Word, grows in it, dwells in it, and stays on it; and it is when we continue in the Word that we will understand and be given comprehension.
Christ came to the world to offer us new life, a higher life, a greater life. Christ came to catapult and to translate us from the former old order of things into the order of the new, and this new life is exponentially more abundant and we are continuously growing in it [John 10:10b]. This new life realizes itself in an ever-increasing manner and how much of it we partake in, and how much of GOD we seek is completely up to each individual, according to your appetite. Christ gave us the promise of a life higher and greater in form and in quality, this is a form and quality of life that is heavenly from above and this world knows nothing about it [I John 5:12]. In His conversation with Nicodemus in John 3:3-6, Jesus explains the two realities, dimensions or realms where man can exist, and how man can be born again in the spirit; that although the Kingdom (spirit realm) cannot be seen, it is very real and its existence can be felt, and that He is the point of access to the Kingdom.
Those born of the Holy Spirit have been translated and transformed, they bear the new nature of GOD, they bear the new nature of Christ, and their old nature is gone! As born-again believers, we are not of the flesh but we are born of the spirit of GOD, we are spirit. Much like the first cry of a newborn baby when it is slapped to take its first breath and life takes place, Christ breathes the Spirit (the breath of GOD) into us for us to take our first breaths, for our spiritual birth to take place, for us to be born of the Spirit. And like a newborn baby instinctively cries for feeding, when we became born again we instinctively sought out the Bible, our souls cried out for the Word, and we began to seek GOD out through prayer, so that we may partake of the pure milk of the Word, that we may grow thereby. When you are born again, the old you is taken away so that your salvation through the Holy Spirit can bring forth the new person, the changed person, your new nature [II Corinthians 5:17 NTL/AMP/TPT]. The instant moment that you are born again enmity begins, enmity between you and the world, between you and demons, between you and the devil. This is precisely why everything to do with your old earthly life becomes that much harder when you are born again as the earthly realm begins to militate against you, to resist you, to fight against you.
Your translation ushers in new things that now belong to you as a child of GOD, things from the Kingdom where there is no lack, no poverty, no death, no sickness; What pertains to you from that point are the things that are in the heavenly realm, not things in the earthly realm. Ephesians 1:3 speaks of spiritual blessings in heavenly places because in our new reality, we are spiritual beings, partakers of heaven, and partakers of heavenly things. Our translation also affords us the supernatural protection of the heavenly armies and GOD’s angels. Jesus was standing on earth, facing a very real threat by earthly standards, He tells Peter not to wield his sword and reminds Peter of the divine authority and power that He has to command an army of 72,000 angels through His Father GOD in a heartbeat if He wanted to [Matthew 26:52-53]. Elisha is looking at an army that has come for him, and he prays with authority and power asking GOD to show his servant the divine help sent to them by GOD far more in number than the great army that had come for him [II Kings 6:16-17]. In real world time, like Elisha, we are in the presence of angels sanctioned from heaven and assigned to protect us; As sons and daughters, we are under heavy guard by GOD’s angels.
We need to awaken to our identity and our position in the spirit because our position in the spirit determines our disposition. How you carry yourself is informed by your knowledge of your identity and position. Never forget who you are and Whose you are – you are His anointed one, His chosen one. Never forget that you are in the world but you are not of the world; You are born of heaven, your reality is heavenly, and your economy is in heaven. You have a spiritual teacher in the Holy Spirit, the anointing within you that teaches you all things. Your help comes from heaven; it is heaven that can and will meet all the needs of a born-again believer [Philippians 4:19]. Jesus performed miracles, signs, and wonders to manifest heaven on earth so that man can be acquainted with his spiritual reality, Christ’s origin and identity, heaven, and the greatness of GOD [John 2:11]. Christ truly manifested the reality of heaven and all its power and resources here on earth with us when He said, “Your kingdom come” and we continued in His Word with the prayer that He taught us.
The kingdom of GOD has come, not by observation, but by us accepting, receiving, and believing in Christ; the Kingdom has entered us. Jesus describes the invisible spirit realm and its reality in a way that Nicodemus, who knew nothing about it, could understand [John 3:7-8]. We short-change ourselves by not tapping into the spirit realm and reality, in fact, we should be living in it. We ought to live, believe, and speak from the standpoint of revelation more abundantly thereby allowing much more of the light of GOD inside of us. Let us not deny ourselves who we are and Whose we are in spirit, we have been translated. The One who made you has anointed you with a Spirit, a power far greater than any earthly vessel, and this power is always available to you if you seek it. So be reminded, stay galvanized in the Word for you are translated.
Those born of the Holy Spirit have been translated and transformed, they bear the new nature of GOD, they bear the new nature of Christ, and their old nature is gone! As born-again believers, we are not of the flesh but we are born of the spirit of GOD, we are spirit