Friday, 08 December 2023
“He said, “You have asked for a difficult thing. However, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you; but if not, it shall not be so.” 2 Kings 2:10 AMP
One of the most interesting phenomena in science is the characteristics of water. It exists in three different forms/states. The first is ice, which occurs when the temperature is 0 degrees Celsius or below. What’s interesting is that its mass is less when it is in this form. The second state is as a liquid (water). This is the “natural” and most common state. The third form is as a gas. This state happens when water is boiled (at 100 degrees Celsius), and it will keep this state for as long as there is heat.
For the purposes of this write-up up, we will focus on only two forms (gas and liquid). When we were living lives that gratified the flesh, the life that was an enemy of GOD, we were operating in the “natural” form that is like water. This is the state that worships (knowingly or unknowingly) satan. This is the state that the world knows and appreciates. The state that gratifies all the desires of the flesh. This is the realm that is seen by everyone.
“Jesus replied, “I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of GOD without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life” John 3:5-6 NLT. When we are born again and GOD translates us into His Kingdom, there’s another realm that we begin to exist and operate in. This is the realm of the spirit that isn’t governed by the physical realm. This realm is like the gaseous form of water that is different from the “natural”. This state can’t be sustained by anything else except by the Word of GOD. In the same way, the gaseous form/state of water is created, sustained, and maintained by heat, our spiritual state is created, sustained, and maintained by our intimacy with the Word and proximity to Jesus. This is what 2 Corinthians 5:17 is alluding to. That once we are translated into this state, we are no longer our former selves. We are no longer the “natural” state, but we thrive and efficiently operate in this new realm.
Though physically to the world we are like liquid water, we however operate in a whole different state. This is the state where all of GOD’s blessings and promises come from. Those who are called generals of the faith, those who do great exploits for GOD are always tapped into this realm. Galatians 2:20 also gives testament to the fact, that though I’m a physical being, I am not restricted by its shortcomings because I’m now operating in a different realm that doesn’t abide by natural rules and principles.
This difference also explains why two individuals can be exposed to the same circumstances, yet have a different response to the same circumstances. One man could see the army that was coming to annihilate them, yet another man saw GOD’s army that is surrounding the foes. As a child of GOD, I can never be effective and relevant as a Christian if I do not operate in this translated realm. I will remain a frustrated Christian as I would be operating in a realm I wasn’t born to be operating in. I would be trying to defeat the enemy using canal methods that can’t defeat even the least of all demons. Yet when I’m operating in the heavenly realms and seated next to Christ, I would always be plugged in and effective. One way of determining which realm I’m operating in is when circumstances seem to be getting the better of me. If I find myself discouraged or frustrated It means that the physical realm is weighing me down. The Bible talks about how David encouraged himself in the Lord even though his physical form was going through the most. Righteousness, Joy, and Peace in the Holy Ghost occur when I’m operating and plugged into the translated state. If this wasn’t true then why would GOD expect me to worship Him when I’m suffering, as logic would dictate that when I’m suffering my whole mood should be down. Yet for a translated child of GOD who’s always tapped into the spiritual, the physical afflictions don’t steal your joy and peace as you aren’t operating in the physical realm but in the spiritual one.
“That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong” 2 Corinthians 12:10 NLT. How can you be strong when you are weak? How can you take pleasure in hardships and insults? The natural will not understand this, but the new man who is operating in the spiritual realm will understand and thrive. Which form /state am I operating in? The gaseous (spiritual) or the natural (liquid) state? My demeanor and posture will always give it away.
That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong” 2 Corinthians 12:10 NLT. How can you be strong when you are weak? How can you take pleasure in hardships and insults? The natural will not understand this, but the new man who is operating in the spiritual realm will understand and thrive