Sunday Message Summary, 17 December 2023

Sunday Message Summary, 17 December 2023

In Mark 11:23 KJV Jesus says, “For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith”. Oh but do not get it twisted, it was never GOD’s intention for this Scripture to teach us about removing and rearranging mountains which He created; Here the LORD was giving a spiritual teaching, a spiritual message, not a physical or a natural one. Trust and believe that GOD will not make something, permit something to come to being, see that ‘it is very good’ [Genesis 1:31], and then later turn around and say to you to go and remove it. This mountain that the LORD speaks of here is that insurmountable obstacle, hinderance, or problem in your life; This mountain is symbolic of a very strong and powerful opponent that opposes, resists, and fights you, that seeks to devour and destroy you, that hinders you and makes your life miserable.

The Word says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood [Ephesians 6:12], and the LORD Christ Jesus never said we are wrestling against physical mountains either. Throughout Scripture, we are reminded time and again that we have but one enemy, one adversary, one opponent, just one – and that is the devil, satan himself. So we should then focus our attention and resources on our actual enemy, not man, not people. It is the enemy who has placed the mountains in our lives that the LORD speaks of in Mark 11:23; These mountains are the spiritual things that must be rearranged, that must be removed in our lives, to reestablish the divine order. This mountain spoken of refers to those things that GOD did not place or permit in our lives that are standing where GOD does not want them to stand, and this mountain has no business being where it is. To this end, the GOD-transcended you and I living in this world are graced with that supernatural bonus material which is not of this world and which gives us the capacity to deal with this mountain decisively – what we have, what we carry, is a power that no demon, no satanic spirit, no servant of the devil, no spawn of satan from the kingdom of darkness can ever match or possess.

Dear child of GOD, even as the least in the Kingdom of GOD, you will still wield more power than the greatest fallen angel in the kingdom of darkness – and GOD has invested this great awesome power in your mouth and in your tongue. The LORD Christ Jesus says you must “say to the mountain” because GOD has put this great awesome power in your speech. Now GOD placed this great weapon in your mouth because the weapon of speaking is the only kind of heavy artillery that will draw blood from the enemy and disseminate real destruction to the enemy in the spirit realm, where the war between good and evil is being waged. This principle applied to Scripture would play out as follows: The mountain in Scripture is an insurmountable obstacle, hindrance, or problem, it is a very strong and powerful opponent that resists, opposes, and fights you, seeking to devour and destroy you, hinders you and makes your life miserable; Now the LORD has given you the power to speak, rebuke, cast out, and get rid the greatest fallen angel and spiritual obstacles and opponents. This mountain in your life is nothing compared to the power that the LORD has given to all of us. After all, who are you mountain before Jehoshaphat? [2 Chronicles 20:15-17]. Who are you mountain before Zerubbabel? For it is written that nothing not even a mighty mountain will stand in Zerubbabel’s way [Zechariah 4:7].

In Luke 10:19 KJV the LORD is again not talking about nature or natural creatures; the serpents and the scorpions He speaks of are not the physical snakes and the physical scorpions; the “serpents and scorpions” spoken of here are synonymous with “this mountain” Christ speaks of in Mark 11:23 KJV. Now the LORD says I have given to you – the born-again, blood-washed, spirit-filled, filled with the Word of GOD, continuing in the Word of GOD child of GOD – the greatest power over all the powers of the enemy, not even a single demon nor a single evil spirit shall stand before you and that your name is written in heaven [Luke 10:20]. This means that you, child of GOD, are not supposed to negotiate terms and conditions with the demons of debts, lack, poverty, sickness and disease, or the demon spirits that satanists and false prophets use; You really truly should not because they are all subject to YOU, all of them fall under your GOD-given authority and power. Everything that GOD made, Scripture says GOD saw it was good, everything was good; there is not a single bit of goodness in any mountain, serpent, or scorpion that you contend with because GOD did not make any of these things. GOD did not create sickness, suffering, poverty, lack, debts – in fact, the Bible says, although Jesus Christ was rich, but for our sakes, He became poor so that you and I would not be poor another day’ [2 Corinthians 8:9].

The time has now come for us to wake up to who we are and deal with the mountains, serpents, and scorpions directly, precisely (definitively), and confrontationally (categorically). We need to walk and speak with boldness because of the grace, authority, and power, that we carry in us. We need to be at that point where we speak a word and it comes to pass, because this authority and power is identical to the authority and power that Christ is the embodiment of, and it operates in the same way Christ Jesus did when He walked amongst man. A Roman centurion (military captain) recognized the authority and power operating in Christ Jesus and he treated Him with the respect and reverence that this heavenly authority and power commands; And we read at Matthew 8:8-9 TPT that the centurion says that he understands Christ’s authority, that he too is a man who walks under the authority of another, and that he has soldiers who are subject to his authority; The centurion says there is no need that Christ should come under his roof, the LORD need just say the word right there where He stood to command healing over his son who was at home, and the son will be healed – please LORD say a word – And Jesus spoke the word and the child was instantly healed [Matthew 8:13 TPT].

In addition to the authority and the power Christ has given you, the Bible says, but the Word is not far from you, it is in your heart and in your mouth [Romans 10:8]. The very word you need to deal decisively with the mountain, serpents, and scorpions is not far from you. We all have mountains (situations and circumstances that GOD did not ordain or commission for your life), but the LORD says they are subject to us; And if your mountain has an upper hand on you, it means that you have allowed it, not because GOD has allowed it. We see a common thread emerging in Matthew 17:18-20, Romans 10:8, Matthew 8:8-9, 13, and Mark 11:23. Scripture emphasizes the instruction on how we ought to deal with the mountains; It says that the word that will deal with the situations and circumstances will not operate until you release it, until you speak it, and you tell the mountain to go; This is the instruction. You can decide at any time to confront the mountain and say ‘no, no more’; But you are the one who must decide, GOD will not make that decision for you. In James 4:7b a clear and unmistakable directive is written to ‘resist the devil and he will flee from you’. How then does one resist the devil? We resist him when we rebuke him, cast him out, get rid of him by saying it; And the word you need to rebuke the devil is in your heart and in your mouth – speak the power, speak the weapon vested in your words to life and the devil (all the spiritual demons, spirits) will flee from you, not saunter off or stroll away, but flee.

Christ Jesus relied on the same weapon vested in speech to rebuke the devil like when He rebuked the demon possessing the child to leave the child [Matthew 17:18]; Jesus did not complain nor did He cry to GOD about the devil. You should not do it either; Instead of complaining and crying, switch to faith mode and deal with the devil in the exact same way that Jesus did, with the very same authority and power that He has given to us. It is the exact same one that He used to rebuke the devil; It is the exact same one that brought about all those miracles, signs, and wonders. You do not need to be a pastor, apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher, deacon, or bishop to work miracles, signs, and wonders, you just need to be a believer in the LORD Jesus Christ; You do not need any special title, you already have the title of titles just by being a believer in Christ. The mystery that is no longer a mystery to you and I is that absolutely nothing shall be impossible to you when you open your mouth and speak, just believe it and speak it. This is the key that opens the door to the greatest power in the world; And the key is not with any man, it is with GOD; And GOD has already given the keys to HIS church [Matthew 28:18-19a], thereby ensuring that nothing shall be impossible unto you and me.

Satan and his entire kingdom are subject to the church of Jesus Christ, they are subject to you and me, we are the church; And Matthew 28:19 then takes it a step further and calls on us to go forth and use the power, do the Father’s business with the power, and destroy the kingdom of satan with the power. Jesus places the responsibility on us to decide our own destiny as well as our present when He gives to us keys to the Kingdom of Heaven; With the keys that the LORD has given us, He has capacitated us to lock and unlock things in the earthly realm ourselves using Holy Spirit capabilities [Matthew 16:19]. There are things GOD will never do for you because He has placed them squarely in your hands, and has given you the authority for you to do them yourself. Jesus clearly says whatever YOU bind, not GOD, and whatever YOU loose, not GOD. Right now nothing is happening to the mountain because you are waiting on GOD but GOD has been waiting on you to use the keys! As a child of GOD, with the Kingdom of GOD residing within you, you have authority vested in you to decide and the power vested in your mouth and in your tongue to dictate the affairs on earth, to dictate the narrative and how it is going to end because the whatsoever you choose to bind or choose to loose on earth, heaven shall agree with you, and heaven shall give you resources to make it come to pass.

Jesus clearly says whatever YOU bind, not GOD, and whatever YOU loose, not GOD. Right now nothing is happening to the mountain because you are waiting on GOD but GOD has been waiting on you to use the keys! As a child of GOD, with the Kingdom of GOD residing within you, you have authority vested in you to decide and the power vested in your mouth and in your tongue to dictate the affairs on earth, to dictate the narrative and how it is going to end because the whatsoever you choose to bind or choose to loose on earth, heaven shall agree with you, and heaven shall give you resources to make it come to pass


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