Sunday Message Summary, 24 December 2023

Sunday Message Summary, 24 December 2023

Christ Jesus uses the metaphor of a mountain in the teaching depicted in Mark 11:23 to illustrate something that is impossible to do, impossible to achieve, and impossible to attain. Whenever this time of the year comes around, we often express how difficult the year had been because of all the things that we could not achieve; And this is where the importance of Mark 11:23 comes in. In this metaphor, Christ tells us that by faith in His name, nothing shall be impossible to you the believer, that He gives unto us that which He has which makes everything possible. This means there shall be nothing impossible for a child of GOD who is growing in the knowledge of Christ; And that the more we grow in knowledge, the more we will discover that there is more for us in Christ. However, for us to grow in knowledge, we must make strides to delve deeper into the divine, to want to know more of Christ; We must avail ourselves to the Holy Spirit for Him to teach us and give revelations as we study the Word.

Faith in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ makes the impossible possible. This is demonstrated and manifested in Acts 3:6, 12, 16 where Peter tells the crowd that they look on and marvel at a power which is not of his own might, not of his own holiness, and not of his own righteousness, because man’s own righteousness could never make the impossible possible. It is plain and simple faith in the Name of the LORD Jesus Christ that made the man strong and capable of getting up and walking after a lifetime of lameness having been born lame. This amazing miracle was performed with no complications and no fuss – Peter did not fast for 40 days or receive a visitation from the LORD lasting hours or benefit from a belabored intercession. Plain and simple faith in His Name is all it takes to make the impossible (the impossible situations, the mountain) possible. This is the “what” of it and Ephesians 3:20 tells us the “how” of it – so simple and yet so profound.

According to Scripture, faith is the ”what” that makes the impossible possible, and the power working in us believers, Christians, and children of GOD is the “how” that makes the faith operate. The “how” is very important because without the “how” the “what” cannot exist, the “how” brings about the existence of the “what”. This means that GOD has already deposited in us, placed in us, what it takes to make the impossible possible; And thus we should not look to external things or things outside of ourselves for sources of miracles, for sources of power. The working power (the dynamic power) that gets things done and performs miracles resides in us, dwells in us, and is supplied by the Holy Spirit; It is the Holy Spirit who lives, resides, dwells in us, and who is in you and me who supplies (gives) the divine power to make the impossible possible to you and me. It is written that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man [Ephesians 3:16]. To further emphasize the “how”, Ephesians 3:20 and 2 Peter 1:3 echo each other, reiterating that: (i) the LORD has made all things possible for us; and (ii) the LORD has given us everything we need to live a Godly life, by the power that the Spirit of GOD supplies in us.

A “Godly life” means a blessed, a victorious, an overcoming, an all-conquering, a powerful life; This is your portion (as a believer); This is why GOD sent His son to die for you; This is what GOD calls the inheritance of the saints – it is yours already. Two things operate in the spirit / get things done in the spirit, and that is authority and power; And in this world, you carry authority and power either from GOD or from the devil, there is no middle ground. This means that a true child of GOD will not be able to be in the presence of someone who carries strange authority and power because there will be clashes in the spirit. After all, a true child of GOD carries the Greater and satan cannot operate in the presence of the LORD; And should you, as a child of GOD, fall ill and you pray to GOD on your own for healing, and GOD heals you, it is the power of GOD that heals you; It is the power of GOD that prevailed because sickness is caused by the power of the devil, so when GOD heals you it means the power of GOD prevailed over satan’s power.

It is impossible to be born-again and not have the Spirit of GOD in you because when you are born-again you have Christ in you, and when you have Christ in you it means you have the Spirit of GOD in you; And if you are a believer, the Spirit of GOD lives in you – He takes up permanent residence within you, He does not visit you nor does He come and go, He is in you, with you, continuously; But if you do not have the Holy Spirit in you, you do not have Christ in you, you are not HIS, you do not belong to Christ; [Romans 8:9-11]. Scripture says that GOD is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask for, think, or imagine according to the power that works in us, by His Holy Spirit that dwells (lives) in you and me that gives life (quickens) and gives power (enables). It is this Spirit of GOD (the power that makes the impossible possible) dwelling inside the child of GOD that strengthens, empowers, enables, and makes us strong in the inner man, not our knowledge, not our church membership, and definitely not our church affiliation.

The life-giving, the power-giving, Holy Spirit that lives in the born-again believer quickens the believer, He gives the believer the divine eternal life – as told by Scripture that ‘GOD has put eternity in man’ [Ecclesiastes 3:11] – and a power of the age to come, a power not of this world. The power that works in us is dynamic and is so important that even Apostle Paul says that ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, Christ who gives me power’ [Philippians 4:13]. Knowledge of the Word by itself will not deter or hinder the devil; What hinders the devil is the application of the Word, and knowing who you are in Christ; Applying the truth you know in Christ will limit the devil. To be a conqueror in this world, you have to be strengthened by the Holy Ghost, the divine power of the Father; The Bible says the whole world lies under the sway, control, influence, and power of satan [1 John 5:19], so for you and I to make strides, inroads or headway in this world as children of GOD, we require His divine power, and this is the power that can do and that does the impossible.

The gist of Hebrews 11:33-34 is that the believers of old were made strong out of their weakness and empowered to face whatever situation that was before them through their faith. This is why Apostle Paul says that ‘I pray that the LORD may strengthen you by the Holy Spirit in the inner man’ [Ephesians 3:16] because unless we are empowered, made strong in the spirit, we will not be able to have the testimony of Hebrews 11 as children of GOD. As Christians, we face insurmountable obstacles and impossible situations, but scripturally according to GOD none of these things are supposed to defeat us – because the life of a believer is a life of moving from testimony to testimony. It is when we believe (by faith) that we activate the dynamic power that is within us to do what needs to be done, to do what is necessary, to get the job done. Faith makes this dynamic power of GOD available to a believer. Using our faith to activate the dynamic power of GOD is absolutely necessary so much so that Paul commands all of us (fellow believers) to ‘be strong in the LORD, and in the power of His might’ [Ephesians 6:10].

When we are strengthened with the same power that was in the LORD Jesus Christ, we are enabled with the supernatural capacity to live a Godly life. It is impossible to live a Godly life of your own natural capacity, knowledge, intellect, or strength, you will fail dismally; This is because a Godly life is spiritual, it requires divine enablement, divine power, and divine energy for us to live it as GOD intended. It is the Holy Spirit who enables us to live the Godly life and His power is activated by faith. Faith brings the power of GOD that is hidden in us to bear because there is an internal reaction that begins to happen in the spirit when we believe, a divine empowerment of sorts– (i) to do the impossible; (ii) to receive the impossible; (iii) to command the impossible; and (iv) to demand the impossible (to place a demand in the name of Jesus ~ John 14:12-14). Yes, the mountain is metaphoric, but that does not mean that GOD could not or would not rearrange mountain ranges just for you beloved child of GOD. Christ dares us to demand a miracle, to place a demand or command on the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, which is exactly what Peter did when he told the lame man to (get up and) walk. Lest you have forgotten what you have in you, how to operate it, and what to do with it. You are a new peculiar divine creature in Christ!

Yes, the mountain is metaphoric, but that does not mean that GOD could not or would not rearrange mountain ranges just for you beloved child of GOD. Christ dares us to demand a miracle, to place a demand or command on the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth


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