Thursday, 28 December 2023
”But Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have; but what I do have I give to you: In the Name (authority, power) of Jesus Christ the Nazarene—[begin now to] walk and go on walking!” – Acts 3:6 AMP
”If you remain in Me and My words remain in you [that is, if we are vitally united and My message lives in your heart], ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.“ – John 15:7 AMP
What secrets did the prophets of old and the disciples know that enabled them to walk in and to demonstrate such unquestionable power? The most obvious is that they all had a deep and continuous relationship with GOD. Jesus said we should ask for whatever we wish in His Name and it shall be done for us. The secret here is not just the ability to speak His Name, but the REVELATION that we have in the Name. The Name is not just the Name, but the Man Himself, Jesus Christ. Who He is in us and us in Him. John 15:5, Jesus Himself clarifies how without Him we can do nothing. Without time with Him, a relationship, and a fellowship with Him through His Word, then all these wonderful and powerful things we want to do will not take place.
Part of why people go to strange places for strange powers is because they want a quick fix. The gifts of GOD do not add sorrow and part of that is because they come from a place of love. That love is built through a revelation and a relationship with the Giver. Hence many would rather go into a hut or enter into an evil covenant with the enemy for instant powers. They see living Godly lives and doing what GOD says as too much effort. What they don’t understand, however, is the high price they must always pay for such contracts. The enemy will never give you anything that is good for you or that comes freely. His hate for us runs too deep for that to ever be an option. So people trade what is valuable (their soul…) for what is temporary and not true (fake power).
“But when a stronger than he comes upon him and overcomes him, he takes from him all his armor in which he trusted and divides his spoils.“ Luke 11:22 NKJV. True and authentic power has been availed to us as children of GOD. Jesus Christ is the Source of all power and He already lives in us. This means our faith, if it does not falter, will always propel us to do what the world considers the impossible. As children of the most high GOD, we are meant to operate from realms so high above this earth that truly when people look at our lives, they can only marvel at the wonders and miracles that make up who we are. We have been given everything we need to live Godly, blessed, and prosperous lives through and by the Holy Spirit who lives in us.
When life keeps failing us, then perhaps we need to take a moment to remember who we are in Christ and then regroup. We are not and can never be who the enemy says we are. We are the express image of Christ and the Spirit that worked in HIM to move in power is the same Spirit that we have in us as believers.
When life keeps failing us, then perhaps we need to take a moment to remember who we are in Christ and then regroup