I Close My Eyes So That I May See (2.0)

I Close My Eyes So That I May See (2.0)

Friday, 05 January 2024

“So the LORD GOD caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. While the man slept, the LORD GOD took out one of the man’s ribs and closed up the opening” – Genesis 2:21 NIV

We wouldn’t do any biblical discussion justice without first discussing the union of marriage. GOD created Adam and gave him dominion over everything on earth. And then “The LORD GOD said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him” (Genesis 2:18 NIV). So for Adam to be able to fulfill his purpose a suitable helper was required. This helper was so crucial for his purpose that his flesh/input was not required as it had the potential to hinder the whole process. He was made “blind” so that this very important task could be properly carried out. When he woke up he wasn’t told who Eve was, yet when he saw her he then said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man” (vs 23 NIV). He wasn’t involved in the process, yet when he saw her he was pleased and rejoiced at the helper that was chosen for him, without his knowledge and input. This shows that GOD’s plans always benefit us.

“Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus” Acts 9:8 NIV. Saul /Paul “knew” his purpose and calling, which was to persecute the new Church for their desecration of everything he knew and believed. He was on his way to persecute and arrest them for their blasphemous practices. He thought he knew the truth and who GOD was. Jesus encountered him and made him blind. It was at this very moment that he knew that all that he had believed and practiced was wrong. He humbled himself and asked the all-important question, “What should I do LORD?”. It’s when he surrendered his will to that of the LORD that he was led and guided to his new purpose and calling.

There’s a song that talks about closing your eyes so that you may see. Sometimes as Christians, our sight/vision is a serious hindrance to our walk with the LORD. We believe we can “see” so as a result we “know” what we ought to do for the LORD. Even though the Bible says that we mustn’t lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6), we continue to do exactly that. Paul thought he knew what he ought to do for the LORD and was even in the process of executing his plans when he encountered Him. To fully receive and accept what GOD had in store for him, he was made blind so that he may not draw strength from his own understanding. His sight and understanding weren’t needed for what the LORD was about to do in his life. In the same way that Adam had to be put to sleep, Paul was also made blind to make it possible for him to fulfill his true purpose. It was when he was completely helpless to help himself that GOD revealed his purpose for his life.

An important lesson to be learned here is that for as long as we are in control of our lives we will never fully partake of what GOD has in store for us. For as long as we “know” what we ought to do, we will never walk in the perfect will of GOD for our lives. It’s when we become blind that our spiritual eyesight is 20:20 and we are receptive to GOD’s instruction and commission. Our own knowledge and experience are hindrances to our obedience to GOD’s Word. Like Paul, we need to be rendered helpless and made to be dependent on him to make a way for us. We may currently be on our own Damascus (a path that we have chosen for ourselves that isn’t in line with GOD’s plans for our lives) believing we are doing GOD’s work and laboring in vain (Psalm 127:1).

I genuinely believe we love GOD with all our hearts, and we honestly want to serve him with all our might and our motives are genuine. But how we go about trying to serve Him might be the problem. This is why this year before embarking on any journey we must first enquire of the LORD and seek His face so that He may reveal what we ought to do. This will require humility and blindness on our part. He doesn’t require our input and knowledge, He only requires our complete obedience. Let’s close our eyes so that we may see.

An important lesson to be learned here is that for as long as we are in control of our lives we will never fully partake of what GOD has in store for us. For as long as we “know” what we ought to do, we will never walk in the perfect will of GOD for our lives.


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