Thursday, 11 January 2024
”‘But what do you think?’ Jesus asked them. ‘Who do you say that I am?’ Simon Peter answered him. ‘You are the Messiah. You are the Son of GOD, the GOD who lives for ever.’ Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon, son of Jonah, GOD has blessed you! No person on earth taught you that. GOD, my Father in heaven, has shown you this. I tell you this. You are called Peter, which means a rock. And I will build my church on this rock. Not even the power of death will destroy my church.“ – Matthew 16:15-18 EASY
A few years ago before I joined the ministry, I remember being in a season that felt like chaos and confusion because I was in a space of seeking. What exactly was I looking for at the time, I did not know. All I knew was that my spirit and soul needed more. There simply had to be more to this life and more to why I was here, instead of just waking up every day to work, pay the bills, raise my kid, and do it all again over and over till I die. There simply had to be a greater reason as to why GOD would be entertained by the boring script that was my purposeless life at the time. When I started going too far down the wrong path of my seeking, I started hearing the words ”But seek ye first the kingdom of GOD, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.“ Matthew 6:33 KJV. There was something so freeing and so loving about that instruction because it reassured me that, if I find and get to know The giver of all things, then I will also find my peace and purpose for being on this earth. The world teaches us so many things and has so many paths that lead us around in circles to nowhere. Which means, when we do eventually find ourselves in the Kingdom of GOD, there is a lot of undoing and unlearning that needs to take place.
GOD created us in His likeness and image, and many of us have no clue what that even means because we are so busy looking for ourselves and fighting to understand who we are in the world, instead of getting to know The One in Whose image we are made in. We have given our hearts and souls to causes and movements we did not understand and became bitter when they did not work out or yield the desired results. More so if they were in GOD’s name, cause we then blame GOD for forsaking us after we have given so much of ourselves to Him. But did we REALLY give ourselves to HIM, is the question. Many of us, if we have to be honest and sincere, do not know Jesus. We don’t know who He is as a person nor do we know what He wants from us. Instead, we rush to seek for what He has for us in terms of gifts and we assume we know what He would have us do with those gifts, all the while missing the mark entirely by becoming successful in the wrong things.
Maybe we all need to reset and go back to the beginning. The Word of GOD in Genesis tells us that in the beginning, GOD! He is Who we need to fall in love with, Who we need to get to know, and in Whom our entire being is wrapped up. ” Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV. His love for us knows no bounds and we need to trust that He is not taking chances with our lives. If we can forget absolutely everything that we think we know about this life and only seek to get to know Jesus, then we will be spiritually richer and more blessed than most people we look up to as heroes in this world.
The Word of GOD in Genesis tells us that in the beginning GOD! He is who we need to fall in love with, Who we need to get to know and in Whom our entire being is wrapped up.