Who Are You, LORD?

Who Are You, LORD?

Friday, 12 January 2024

“Then He said, “I am the GOD of your father, the GOD of Abraham, the GOD of Isaac and the GOD of Jacob.” At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at GOD” – Exodus 3:6 NIV

“I was studying the Word of GOD as I was accustomed to in my closet late in the night. I was sitting down at my desk and started feeling sleepy. Suddenly I was in a trance. The brick wall in front of me seemed to have instantly disappeared. Then the LORD came in with two other gentlemen to whom I paid no attention because at that moment I seemed only to be fixated on the LORD. I had not seen HIM before, but when HE came that night I knew like I know myself it was the LORD JESUS CHRIST, yet nobody had told me”.

“Now back to the trance, JESUS headed for me. HE gently paced around me and I perceived HE was praying for me in a foreign language I understood to be Hebrew, although I don’t know Hebrew. Meanwhile, I was touching and kissing HIS hands non-stop. When HE ceased HE asked me, “What do you wish?” I readily replied since the HOLY SPIRIT had prepared me what to ask, as I have explained. “To live for JESUS,” I said. He turned to walk away and I reluctantly let go of HIM. HE left exactly the way HE came. It was HIM first and then the two others. The last gentleman paused on the way out and said to me, “Your ministry is based on the power you have and on one wife.” I perceived the two gentlemen to be the Apostles Peter and John”.

These extracts are from our ministry’s website and when you get a chance I would highly recommend you go through the whole testimony. Ever since I’ve been in this ministry, every couple of months I always read this testimony. The fact that the Creator of heaven and earth, the LORD GOD Almighty, the Great “I Am”, actually took time out of His busy schedule to visit a man just like me, really baffles me. He deemed it necessary to reveal Himself and personally give him his ministry. That’s how GOD is invested in our well-being and that of those around us, that He decided to reveal Himself and give him his assignment personally. What I also took from it is that the man had been seeking Him diligently, and as a result, GOD revealed Himself to him. This then proves what the scriptures have been saying about seeking GOD (Jeremiah 29:13).

Then comes the uncomfortable realization and thee most pertinent question, why hasn’t He revealed Himself to me? We can conclude from above, that GOD kept (and still continues to keep it to this very day) His word about what He said in the scriptures. So that then means the problem is from my side. Another uncomfortable question is, If I’m called of Him but He hasn’t revealed Himself to me as yet, then how do I know who has called me? And if He did indeed call me but has not revealed Himself personally to me, then how do I know what my purpose is? We really need to go back to the drawing board and scrutinize everything we have been doing in our walk/ journey with the LORD. It’s easy to say people in the Bible were “special”, and I can’t compare myself to them, but when He has revealed Himself to a man I see all the time, what excuse do I now have?

“For many are called, but few are chosen” Matthew 22:14 NIV. The ones that are chosen are the ones that are pleasing before the Father. They are pleasing because they have submitted everything to their Creator, and have prioritized seeking Him, and as a result, in keeping with the scriptures (John 14:23), Jesus, together with the Trinity, have revealed Themselves to them. And those He has revealed Himself to, He will give them a purpose and assignment.

The ones that are chosen are the ones that are pleasing before the Father. They are pleasing because they have submitted everything to their Creator, and have prioritized seeking Him, and as a result, in keeping with the scriptures


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