Sunday Message Summary, 14 January 2024

Sunday Message Summary, 14 January 2024

From the ‘Two Most Important Questions’ asked last week, the teaching on Wednesday answered the first question ‘Who are you LORD?’, and today we deal with the second question ‘What do you want me to do for You, LORD?’. The call of GOD to every one of His children is real and specific, with particularity to the individual. This means that in the Kingdom of the LORD, you and I can only do what the LORD has given us the grace to do in our individual capacity and that no two individuals will carry the same grace. This means that whatever it is that the LORD may reveal to you in ‘what it is HE wants you to do for HIM’, the LORD will give you the grace to fulfill that real and specific call upon your life. Now grace is that divine enabling power given to you (and me) by GOD, through the Holy Spirit, to do what He wants you to do, to do what He wills for you, to fulfill the purpose He has created you for.

The moment that you become born-again you become an integral part of the Church (the Body of Christ) as a child of GOD, and there is a Council of Heaven that meets concerning you; Every soul that is added in the Book of Life in heaven is a serious deal; And there is agreement in the Council of Heaven concerning a soul that gets born-again. In the Old Testament GOD gifted certain individuals for the benefit of all, whereas in the New Covenant (New Testament) the manifestation of the Holy Spirit is given to each child (to all the children) of GOD albeit differently, for the benefit of all. Each one of us as a believer, a Christian, and a child of GOD, is given something, a gift, a talent with which to minister the love of GOD and the grace of GOD to each other. Every true believer has been given special grace with which to serve and to glorify Jesus; Every true Church of Jesus Christ flows in the special grace given to it by our Lord Jesus Christ [1 Corinthians 1:4-7]. This is precisely the reason why there are no two churches, pastors, apostles, prophets, or evangelists that are the same.

In his first letter to the Church in Corinth, Apostle Paul gives practical advice on how we ought to consistently embody the new life in the Kingdom of GOD, how we ought to use the special grace gifted to each of us by the Holy Spirit to serve and to glorify GOD [1 Corinthians 3:10], and achieve harmonious synergy throughout the Body of Christ while doing so. Remember when Jesus ascended on high, He gave gifts to men, He gave each one of us GOD’s unreserved favour and supernatural grace in different ways [Ephesians 4:7-8 NKJV/TPT], and the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each child of GOD for the profit and the benefit of all [1 Corinthians 12:7 NKJV/AMPC/TPT]. The grace of GOD chooses and distributes the gifts of the Spirit to each one of us according to the will of GOD [Ephesians 3:7]; It is for the Holy Spirit to manifest in you according to the will and the purpose of GOD upon your life, not for you to choose how He manifests. This is why you do not choose your own area of calling. This is why you cannot and should never of your own choosing become a pastor, preacher, evangelist, teacher, apostle, or prophet when the grace of GOD has not located you for it, lest you, oh false prophet, take up residence in Charlatan Ville, Plot #1 Fire-and-Brimstone-Lake Road [Revelation 20:10; Matthew 7:15-16a,19].

It is the grace that finds you and chooses you, not vice versa. GOD’s unreserved favor and grace locates you wherever you are, paying no mind to your intellect, education, money, or social standing because once the grace finds you and you begin to walk in it, it will give you the supernatural ability to fulfill your purpose with ease. A man or woman with the grace of GOD is untouchable, unstoppable, inimitable (cannot be imitated) – and this is why there can only be one Apostle Paul. The grace given unto Paul was for him to give us the foundational fundamental principles of the Kingdom, to be a wise master builder of the Church, and lay the foundation of the Church by giving and expounding the mystery of the gospel to believers. Take note that Paul did not choose this gifting, he did not study for it, but Paul nevertheless excelled because he performed in his area of gifting by the sheer grace of GOD; There was none of him in it, it was all grace and all Spirit. Paul received his calling from GOD, he stepped into his purpose and played his role according to what GOD had given him to do in the Church.

We do not get to choose how to serve GOD and how to glorify GOD. No one can do anything in the Kingdom of Our Father except when they are given the grace to do it. Every single thing that happens within the scope of purpose in the Kingdom is very specific and intentional, and each one of us has a place and a role to play in His Kingdom, in the Church. You just do not get to choose; And in fact, you know you are in the right area of your calling when (at first and at last) you do not like it, you just never like it, because hell rises against you when you are in your area of calling, and things begin to happen. The Church stays together, strengthens and grows when each one of us play our part, when we minister, do, and give according to the grace [Ephesians 4:16]. The building and the growth of the Church is predicated on each of us doing and giving what we are graced for. So it is of absolute crucial importance to the entire Body of Christ that you know your area of grace and gifting. If you do know what your area of gifting is, you need to find it and begin to walk in it; But if you know it and are not walking in it, your disobedience and lack of faithfulness is not of no consequence; Your intentional and neglectful failure to perform in your area of grace robs the Church of its health, strength and growth.

To demystify your lofty foggy notions even further, dear believer, just know that you did not become born-again of your own choice but that it was by the Holy Spirt working in you; And as a result, you do not get to choose the local assembly where you fellowship or the ministry you are affiliated with, but it is the Holy Spirit who chooses. Your body, and indeed your life, is after all not your own in the Kingdom of GOD [1 Corinthians 6:19]. Each one of us is a living stone, a crucial dedicated and consecrated building block in the Spiritual House of the LORD [1 Peter 2:5]; Each stone has a special place and an indispensable role it plays; Removing even one stone from its place will weaken and compromise the structural integrity of the House; And it is for this reason that the LORD is never pleased when the Church loses even one soul. We cannot be without the Church, and the Church cannot do without each one of us. Paul reminds us that the Church is made full and complete by Christ and that Christ is made full and complete by His Church [Ephesians 1:22-23]; You are an indispensable integral part of the true and living Church of Christ as a child of GOD, never underestimate your importance in the true and living Church of Christ.

It is imperative for you to find your area of grace and begin to perform, to exercise, to practice, to walk in the gifts you have been graced with. The Bible explicitly instructs you to use them [Romans 12:6-8 NKJV/NLT]. Pay close attention to how every gift of the Spirit requires faith to operate it faithfully and diligently, and that even that faith it takes to operate the gift faithfully and diligently is a grace that has been gifted to you. Nothing is difficult or heavy when GOD has given you the grace for it and you operate in the area where HE has called you. When you play your role in the Church, you are not doing these things unto man, but you are doing it unto GOD. If you do not play your role faithfully and diligently, you are costing the entire Church dearly because each member of the Church is like one of the many vital organs in the human body, and the human body needs all its organs in proper functioning order to stay healthy, and the organs also depend on each other. The Body is one, made up by all of us as its many members; Each member has work to do for the Body to function; We are all equally important to the Body; The pastor and congregation depend on one another. We must take our responsibilities seriously, and work hard, diligently, and faithfully in the grace gifted to fulfill the will of GOD for the Body.

Your spiritual growth is linked to your area of grace: the more you faithfully and diligently serve the LORD, the more you grow in Christ. You will find it hard to grow in church and to be happy in church if you are not serving, performing, practicing or operating in your area of grace and in your gifting. Finding and walking in your area of gifting gives you joy, peace, purpose, direction, and fulfillment in the Church; And this is how you know that you are on the correct path with GOD. In the Kingdom whatever you and I do in the word (utterance, teaching, preaching, witnessing, prophesying, exalting) or in the deed (work, doings, actions) must accord with the grace given to us [Colossians 3:17]; And GOD will establish us, strengthen us and encourage our hearts in the good word and work [2 Thessalonians 2:16-17]; And we work and serve the Church effectively, living a quiet peaceful life and minding our own business [1 Thessalonians 4:11]; And GOD will bless and increase our work when we remain faithful and diligent, staying within our area of grace or calling, and do not overextend ourselves or encroach in areas where we have no grace to operate [2 Corinthians 10:12-16]. Today GOD answers the question, ‘LORD what do you want me to do for You?’ – find your area of grace and begin to serve in it!

Your body, and indeed your life, is after all not your own in the Kingdom of GOD; Each one of us is a living stone, a crucial dedicated and consecrated building block in the Spiritual House of the LORD; Each stone has a special place and an indispensable role it plays


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