Friday, 19 January 2024
“For I am the least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the Church of GOD. But by the grace of GOD I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of GOD that is with me” – 1 Corinthians 15: 9-10 ESV
Like the man of GOD who has embraced that his teaching annoys people, I too have embraced that Scriptures to me are sometimes revealed through movies and cartoons. Like the Apostle Paul above, “I am what I am”. In Dragon BallZ there is a warrior nation called Saiyans. At birth, all the kids’ powers are measured, and those deemed weak are sent to conquer the universe, and those who are strong serve the nation as soldiers. Vegeta was a prince who was destined to be the leader and the strongest Saiyan ever, he was destined to be the first Super Saiyan while Kakarot (aka Goku) was a “weak” Saiyan and was sent to destroy and conquer Earth. But he ended up being Earth’s savior and liberator. Unfortunately, Goku becomes stronger than Vegeta and surpasses him in every way, even becoming Super Saiyan before him. Something that really aggravates Vegeta is that he is the prince of all Saiyans and Goku is a “weakling” who’s not even worthy of being called a Saiyan. The more he tries to surpass Goku, the more he fails dismally.
Sometimes as Christians, we may think highly of ourselves and believe that we are best equipped to do or execute certain tasks better than others. We might not understand why GOD is using others more than us, or using them in an area we may feel we are more capable. In the same way, I believe other Apostles might have had an issue with Apostle Paul “surpassing” them. What we sometimes fail to understand is that we all have been given grace in our own area of influence/ calling. Our gifting isn’t the same and can never ever be the same. In the same way, the kidney that’s meant to produce urine can’t try to pump blood like the heart. It would fail dismally, as the heart’s anatomy was designed to only pump blood. Same way I can’t out-evangelise an Evangelist. This is why Vegeta was always miserable because, instead of focusing on his own lane and area of influence, he was busy competing with Goku. Goku understood his “grace” and as a result, he excelled in his calling.
“Then I heard the voice of the LORD saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for Us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8 NIV. I’ve always loved this Scripture as it shows how GOD is always looking and searching for vessels that He can use. Isaiah knew and understood his calling in life, and as a result, it was easy (and natural) for him to step up when he was needed. This is only possible when you understand and accept the grace of GOD upon your life. This is only possible when you operate in your personal area of expertise and influence and when you have come to terms with your gifts and the grace upon your life. Same way Apostle Paul, though he was the least of ALL the Apostles, his grace was to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles and write almost all of the New Testament. Something he wasn’t worthy of, yet the grace of GOD over his life equipped and enabled him to do so. Whether the apostles or the Christians in Jerusalem agreed or not, this was unwarranted favor of GOD.
As a pastor, I initially struggled to reckon with my calling as I was surrounded by pastors who were already excelling in their calling, pastors who looked the part. I doubted myself, as my character and personality were different and not “typical” or orthodox. It was only when I accepted my unorthodox mannerisms that I began to walk in my calling. I haven’t figured out everything yet but one thing I know is, GOD made me this way, and He will use me in my own area of influence. I have my own grace that was bestowed on me to equip and enable me to be an effective vessel for GOD. To GOD be the glory. “I am what I am”.
I haven’t figured out everything yet but one thing I know is GOD made me this way, and He will use me in my own area of influence. I have my own grace that was bestowed on me to equip and enable me to be an effective vessel for GOD. To GOD be the glory. “I am what I am”.