The Spiritual Man is a born-again man/woman who is a spiritually mature believer, informed and led by the Holy Spirit in his/her heart, thoughts, and deeds. The Spiritual Man is not of this world, man’s reality was never established for the worldly realm. By way of background let me share a revelation that KOSM’s Pastor KB once expressed about how GOD created man to operate. He explained as per the illustration that at my core I (man) am spirit, I have a soul, I live in a body – the spirit contacts the spirit/spiritual realm; the soul contacts the intellectual realm, the soul engages human intellect, will and emotions; and the body contacts the worldly realm, it is the physical carnal vessel of flesh that houses the soul and the spirit. GOD made man to operate from the inside (spirit) to the outside (body), with the body/flesh serving the spirit and the soul; But man’s fall from glory saw these roles reversed.

Make no mistake, life is spiritual and the events that play out in the spirit realm manifest into actual reality. It has never been more crucial for the spirit of the believer to constantly operate in sports mode as the Spiritual Man than it is right now, for this will undoubtedly save man from certain spiritual death at the hands of the enemy. The broad categories of what we need to endure the spiritual onslaughts and skirmishes are all written in Scripture. Firstly, we must be guided by and indeed rely exclusively on the Holy Spirit; The Holy Spirit will then reveal Himself to us, give us revelation, speak to us, teach us about all things, and give us discernment and insight into everything; Then we put to practice what the Holy Spirit reveals [1 Corinthians 2:15 AMP/AMPC/TLB]. Secondly, the Spiritual Man is a man or woman with knowledge of the insight and foresight from the Holy Spirit concerning everything [I John 2:27, 20], when he/she allows the Holy Spirit to lead the way. Holy Spirit gives us knowledge about the things not yet in existence, to put us in the best possible position for what is yet to come [John 16:13].
It is in foresight (i.e. the knowledge of what is yet to come in the future) that we are empowered with grace to endure whatever we go through in the now, and not make the wrong decisions. Holy Spirit also gives us insight to know the true state of things so that we do not despair or give up. Thirdly, the Spiritual Man puts a believer in direct alignment with the calendar and timetable of Heaven. When the Spiritual Man is aligned with Heaven’s timetable, you will not be found where you should not be, you will not be found doing what you should not do, and you will not be found in the company of people that you should not be with. Lastly, the Spiritual Man knows what you ought to do, when and where you ought to be, and with whom you ought to be. Jesus always knew these details and was extremely successful in HIS ways, graced with a spirit free from anxiety. In John 16:13 AMPC Jesus tells born-again believers that we have in us this Holy Spirit grace to know all things in the now and in the future and that whatever Holy Spirit says comes directly from GOD, delivered to us exactly as GOD said it. Believing that the Holy Spirit equips the believer with such invaluable knowledge followed by unrivalled peace WHEN you lean on HIS understanding and wholly trust in HIM, why choose to do anything else?
Without the spirit being guided by the Holy Spirit, our own understanding will always be informed by the constructs of the heart and brain, two carnal organs easily swayed by the worldly realm. The Spiritual Man makes spiritual decisions, not sensual decisions; And spiritual decisions do not make rational sense, they are guided entirely by faith and the Holy Spirit. For 25 years, Abraham was fully convinced against all odds, he did not waiver, he was strengthened in faith, and he gave glory to GOD when there was nothing in the offing (no child). These are the characteristics of a Spiritual Man: He does not give up just because the answer has not yet arrived; He does not deny GOD just because the promise has not arrived; He does not go against GOD just because the answer to a prayer has not come [Romans 4:17-24]. Scripture says Abraham’s promise was not written for him alone. This means that GOD and HIS Word remain unchanged for us today, as They were for Abraham then, and that if we are fully convinced that GOD is able to perform what HE promised like Abraham was, we too shall inherit and receive the promises.
Whenever we act out of character as blood-washed spirit-filled Christians, it is because we make the choice (we rely on our own understanding), and not because we have not had insight and foresight revealed to us (we do not rely on the Holy Spirit to lead). It is easy to see that Abraham was a Spiritual Man, not a carnal man; He was a man of vision, insight, and foresight. Christ spent countless hours in fellowship with GOD; He was a man who at any given point knew what He needed to do and what was coming, He knew what to anticipate and expect; And this is how a Spiritual Man is – he/she is exactly like Abraham and Jesus was, and he/she is led by the Holy Spirit to navigate the spirit realm magnificently. The Spiritual Man is a man or woman of vision, anticipation, and expectation; If you are not living your life with daily anticipation and expectation of what GOD has promised, you are unstable in faith. It is written that ‘let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the LORD’ [James 1:7]; A man or woman who is unstable in faith is unstable in all their ways and will not receive anything from the LORD. We must imitate the likes of Abraham, living through faith and patience, and be strengthened in spirit [Hebrews 6:11-12].
The Spiritual Man is a man full of the Holy Spirit. All born-again believers are Scripturally commanded to be full of the Holy Spirit and to be led, guided, and empowered by the Holy Spirit continually; It is a command for us to remain filled, full of the Holy Spirit [Ephesians 5:18]. The Spiritual Man overcomes all circumstances, hardships, and challenges in life because he/she is full of the Holy Spirit. The Spiritual Man is never stressed or anxious because he/she knows all things for the Holy Spirit reveals all things to him/her, things in the now and things in the future, things that are and things that are yet to be. The Spiritual Man is the true image and spirit of being like Christ. Life happens to all of us and we need to be spiritual and not carnal when it does because a carnal believer cannot inherit the promises. When life happens, as it invariably always does, we are reminded to trust in the LORD with all our hearts and might, to trust in HIM to direct our paths, and not to rely on our own understanding of anything – Avoid jumping to conclusions and censure your thoughts and feelings from leading you astray. The Spiritual Man stays resolute and determined, with his/her gaze fixed on HIM who promised. Proverbs 3:5-6 is the one and only true way for a child of GOD living, breathing, and walking in their Spiritual Man identity.
When life happens, as it invariably always does, we are reminded to trust in the LORD with all our hearts and might, to trust in HIM to direct our paths, and not to rely on our own understanding of anything. Proverbs 3:5-6 is the one and only true way for a child of GOD living, breathing, and walking in their Spiritual Man identity