The first of two anchoring Scriptures for this write up is Colossians 1:15-19. The second anchoring Scripture, Hebrews 1:1-4, comes up a little further into the write up. Today we look into the character, the person, and the personality behind the Name, because what and who is in the Name is very important. More often than not, man becomes what his name says about him because the name carries man’s purpose and destiny. Jesus was given the Name Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Saviour, the Anointed One, and we are given the same Name which carries authority and power. So no matter the name given by man, man need not worry about what his name carries, because GOD has now given us thee Name. Take GOD at HIS word, believe it when Colossians 1:15-17 tells you that: (i) Christ is the very image of the GOD that we so zealously pray to in the War Room; (ii) Christ is GOD’s first-born, created before all and above all of GOD’s other creations; and (iii) everything that exists was created by GOD for Him through Him, everything in all the realms, every seat of power, seen and unseen.
Colossians 1:15-17 echoes the text of John 1:1-3, and both Scriptures confirm that, by virtue of His very origin, Jesus is in the Father and the Father is in Jesus, He is the One through whom GOD created all things, He holds all creation (every single element of the natural world) together, He is the controlling cohesive force of the universe; And since GOD created all things through Him, this means that Christ is the Creator, He and the Father are one. Jesus is GOD. Oh but the humility inherent in the character of the Man behind the Name, the Man that Jesus was is something to marvel. Jesus never drew Himself in comparison to GOD, He never paraded Himself or showed Himself off as GOD; He humbled Himself, lived like us, and walked amongst us; [Philippians 2:6]. Jesus never lorded His GODLY righteousness over people when He walked among them, instead, He stripped Himself of all of GOD’s glory so that He can fulfill GOD’s purpose and will for His life here on earth. Further to the fact that GOD made all of creation through Him for Him, so it is, that all of creation is about Jesus and for Jesus, you and I included.
GOD created you and I for Jesus, our very existence is all about Jesus. Likewise, the Church is all about Jesus. The Church was never about man; It was always HIS, not ours. In Matthew 16:18, Jesus says to Simon Peter, ‘Upon this rock, I will build MY Church’, not OUR Church. The Church exists only to glorify and to serve Jesus, not to glorify or to serve man. When we say we serve in the Church, do we even know what this means?! Being of service in the Church, serving in the Church, means to attend to, and to carry out the commands, demands, desires, and requests of Jesus, who is the Head of the Church, putting aside your own requests, your own desires, your own needs because you and I cannot serve GOD while we are carrying out our own requests and desires. When we come to Church we come to attend to the commands, needs, and demands of the preeminent superior Christ Jesus; And Jesus then meets our needs when we come to serve Him because serving Him pleases HIM. The Name of the LORD Jesus Christ is given to every believer to serve, worship, and glorify Him with it, and not for us to show off that we have the authority and power inherent in the Name or be self-serving.
When you rely on and call out ‘In the Name of Jesus’, it means you are not self-serving, you automatically deny self, dying to self. In that moment you say, “LORD take YOUR place”, “LORD show up”, “LORD do as YOU please”, “FATHER do according to the counsel of YOUR will”. When you know and understand the superiority of the power and authority that is vested in the Name of Jesus Christ, and you know and understand the character of the person behind the office, the person behind the Name of Jesus Christ, you become absolutely dangerous and completely unstoppable. The devil knows Scripture and knows that if he can successfully darken man’s understanding of Scripture, he will have successfully fought man’s understanding of the power that is in the Name. It is for this very reason that Apostle Paul writes that, ‘I pray that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened’ [Ephesians 1:18 NKJV/AMP]. The battlefield is in the mind as that is where the faculties of understanding reside, and the devil does not want anyone to understand, because if your understanding could be opened, then you would understand Jesus, Who He is to you, what you have in His Name, and what your inheritance is in Him.
The second anchoring Scripture re-emphasizes the character of the person behind the Name as Christ the Creator. Hebrews 1:1-4, echoes Colossians 1:15-19, when it states that GOD created the worlds by/through Christ, meaning that Christ is the Creator and that He and the Creator are one. Hebrews 1:2-3 further elaborates that Jesus is GOD’s heir as GOD’s Son, and goes on to explain that: Firstly, Jesus made the worlds, but no one other than GOD has the authority and power to make the worlds; And secondly, no one else but Jesus has the brightness of GOD’s glory or the express image of GOD. This tells us that Jesus is GOD. However, Jesus stripped Himself of GOD’s glory when He came to earth for our salvation; And when He had fulfilled GOD’s purpose for this world, He returned to sit at the right hand of GOD in heaven fully, restored of all His glory. Scripture also calls Jesus the Son of GOD, and as the Son of the Father, Jesus is the lawful heir and owner of all things; Meaning that, what belongs to GOD belongs to Jesus as Son and heir. Now Romans 8:17 says that we, as the children of GOD, also stand to inherit as joint-heirs with Jesus, meaning that whatever the Son inherits from the Father, we shall also inherit, including the Name more excellent, the Name much better than the heavenly angels.
It is written, that Christ came to save us, to redeem us, and to give us an inheritance in the Name, in that – (i) ‘all power has been given unto Me in heaven and in earth, go thee therefore’, ‘now I give it to you’ [Matthew 28:18-19a; John14:27]; (ii) we are heirs of GOD and joint-heirs with Christ [Romans 8:17]; and (iii) if Christ be the heir of all things [Hebrews 1:2], then all things belong to Jesus. This means that the inheritance of Christ is also our inheritance through Him; What Christ has, we have; What belongs to Christ also belongs to us; And if Christ is the heir of all things [Hebrews 1:2] and we are then joint-heirs with Christ [Romans 8:17]. There was nothing that GOD loved more than HIS Son and yet, not only did HE deliver Him up to die for you and me, HE also raised us who believe in the Son to the level of sonship to be joint-heirs with Christ, and HE freely gave all true believers the power and authority to call on the Name of Jesus [Romans 8:32]. Oh but what kind of love is this, that we also should be called the sons; And if we be sons, if we be children, then we are heirs of GOD and joint-heirs with Jesus. However, never be mistaken, revelation is key to unlocking the inheritance.
Apostle Paul lived with bold confidence; He was a steadfast rock and could not be moved because he had the revelation of the Holy Spirit. This is why Paul could rise again after being stoned and left for dead [Acts 14:19-20]. The revelation Paul had is what made him a confident and constant believer. A constant and confident Christian has a level of revelation that causes them to remain constant no matter what comes. Peter walked with the revelation of the power and authority that the Name carries, and Peter called on the Name to restore mobility to a lame man and the man got up and walked. In Acts 3:6 we read how Peter made a statement of fact, a statement of truth, when he tells the lame man that what he has and gives him is the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, fully packed with the potency of the Holy Spirit authority and power. The Name was Peter’s to wield by inheritance, just as it is every believer’s by inheritance. When we call on the Name of Jesus, we tap into the spiritual blessings that GOD has given us in our inheritance through Christ. When we became born-again through the Holy Spirit, GOD adopted us to be HIS children through HIS Son Jesus; And we are now made the sons of GOD.
The issue of inheritance is not just physical, it is first and foremost spiritual and divine, it is spiritual legality, and hence the need for the Holy Spirit revelation. Now when the Holy Spirit dwells in the believer, and the believer operates by the Holy Spirit, such a believer is an heir and the Holy Spirit is the seal, the assurance, to the inheritance and the power that goes with the inheritance. As an heir, the Name of Jesus is legally mine, I am authorized to use the Name, and whatever I say in the Name must take place when it accords with the will of GOD. [Ephesians 1:3, 5, 11, 13-14, 18]. Lastly, it is written, that GOD made the earth for the sons of man, not for the devil, his angels, or his demons. The sad reality is that there are illegal entities, devils, and demons running berserk wreaking havoc, and creation (nature) is groaning under their bondage [Romans 8:19-21]. Creation’s hopes are pinned on us walking in the authority and power of the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, on us walking as heirs, kings, rulers, and lords, to deliver it from satan’s clutches with just a mere command. Creation is waiting for us to show up and reign. Our Creator is waiting for us to show up and reign; And it pleases GOD when we walk in the revelation as kings, rulers, and lords because this is our portion in the inheritance.
There was nothing that GOD loved more than HIS Son and yet, not only did HE deliver Him up to die for you and me, HE also raised us who believe in the Son to the level of sonship to be joint-heirs with Christ, and HE freely gave all true believers the power and authority to call on the Name of Jesus. Oh but what kind of love is this, that we also should be called the sons.