Wednesday, 07 February 2024
”I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”
- Revelation 22:13 NLT
I have heard some ministers preach on the above verse, and some say that it should actually say, “Alpha Omega” and not, “Alpha and Omega”, and the explanation is that He is the beginning and the end and that there is nothing in between. I wish I could explain it the way that it makes sense in my mind, but essentially, He is all in all, nothing missing, nothing exists without Him from the beginning until the end. This revelation changed the way I view things, I am now aware that nothing happens to me that GOD has not allowed, because everything was created for Him and by Him.
When we know this, we will also know that everything that we need or desire is in Him, so our pursuit should always be Him. When we seek Him and spend time with Him, it will be evident for all to see how we become more like Him and confident in who He has called us to be. ”The council members were astonished as they witnessed the bold courage of Peter and John, especially when they discovered that they were just ordinary men who had never had religious training. Then they began to understand the effect Jesus had on them simply by spending time with him.“ Acts 4:13 TPT.
It is not possible to spend time with Jesus and to remain the same. It is in spending time with Him that we discover who He has called us to be and what He wants us to do. And because we have been born again into an eternal kingdom, everything we do and who we become in Him has an eternal reward/consequence.
It is not possible to spend time with Jesus and to remain the same. It is in spending time with Him that we discover who He has called us to be and what He wants us to do