Friday, 16 February 2024
“Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit” – Leviticus 26: 4 KJV
One of thee most interesting demonstrations of faith is in farming. You have a farmer who has land that he knows/believes is fertile. He spends a huge portion of his money preparing the land, planting and putting seeds in it. He doesn’t know if it will rain in the coming year, or if there might be a natural disaster that might decimate his crop. Yet he invests everything into his land “knowing” he will have a return. This confidence also comes from the experience he’s had with his land. It has produced results and great harvests in the past, so he’s putting his trust/faith in the land knowing that it hasn’t failed him in the past. He knows that if he wants a greater harvest he needs to put more seeds into the ground. If he plants sparingly he will harvest sparingly. He knows that at the end of the day, the harvest he will receive will be determined by how much he has invested in his seeds, in his sowing.
Taking the very same analogy we can apply the same principle in our spiritual life. GOD has proven Himself to be faithful and just countless times (He is a very fertile land). Like the farmer’s land, He has given us great harvests in the past. We know that He hasn’t changed and His faithfulness isn’t in question (Hebrews 10:23). His Word says that He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly (2 Corinthians 9:6). This principle doesn’t just apply in monetary cases only, even in the time and effort we spend in His presence. Those who seek Him more will have a deeper revelation of Him (Jeremiah 29:13).
Most Christian’s finances are in dire straits, not necessarily because of satan, but because we refuse to apply GOD’s principles in our life and in our finances. You have Christians who are convinced that they will sow more once their finances improve. What they fail to realize and understand is the meaning of The Parable Of The Talents. Those who were faithful with the little were entrusted with more (Matthew 25:17-30, especially 23). And those who weren’t faithful, even the little they have will be taken from them (verse 29b NIV). In the same way, a farmer starts with a small piece of land, works it, and receives a harvest. The following year he’ll invest the overflow to acquire more land and more seed so that he may sow more than he did the previous year, and as a result, his returns will be more than each previous year. In the same way, the more faithful you are in your giving /sowing the more GOD grows and rewards you. This is where our ignorance dribbles and nutmegs us. There will NEVER be the RIGHT/PERFECT time to seed or sow abundantly, the abundance will ONLY come from your faithfulness in the little. It’s a principle that goes against every fiber of our being, yet it’s the one that’s a key to unlocking our breakthrough (1 Corinthians 1:18).
In the same way, Gideon was told to go in the strength that he had, we also have the answer to our breakthrough in our own hands. There’s no new “revelation” that’s needed to break the ceiling of limitation in our lives. That miracle solution is found in our giving and we ultimately determine its success or failure. Like in the movie The Matrix, we are at a crossroad and we have to decide which pill we are gonna take. Will it be the red pill or the blue pill? Holy Spirit can ONLY show us the door, we are the ones who have to make the choice to walk through it.
There will NEVER be the RIGHT/PERFECT time to seed or sow abundantly, the abundance will ONLY come from your faithfulness in the little. It’s a principle that goes against every fiber of our being, yet it’s the one that’s a key to unlocking our breakthrough (1 Corinthians 1:18).