Perspective And Perception: The Key To Unlocking The Supernatural 2.0

Perspective And Perception: The Key To Unlocking The Supernatural 2.0

Friday, 01 March 2024

“You will keep in perfect and constant peace the one whose mind is steadfast [that is, committed and focused on You—in both inclination and character], Because he trusts and takes refuge in You [with hope and confident expectation]” – Isaiah 26:3 AMP

Light goes through your cornea and then the pupil. After this, it goes through the vitreous humor and eventually strikes the retina. It’s the cells in the retina that then receives and perceives these light rays as objects. So it’s your brain’s interpretation of these rays that determines what you “see”. There are also chemicals and hormones that also play a role in our interpretation of light. In patients with psychosis, their brain interprets light rays in a different manner. They can for example “genuinely” see a tokoloshe and no amount of counseling, or therapy can convince them otherwise. They can sometimes “see” a huge snake next to them when everyone around them can’t “see” it. This is why it’s so difficult to counsel these patients as they “genuinely” can see what they claim to see.

In our walk with the LORD how we view/ see our challenges is of utmost importance. James 1:2 instructs us to consider it pure joy when persecution and challenges come our way. We ought to celebrate these seasons as we know why they are there, and what is their objective. Psalm 34:19 (ESV) highlights how many afflictions WILL (it’s not a matter of “if”, but “when”) befall us yet we ought to take comfort in knowing that, (1) they aren’t there to destroy us, (2) their goal is to benefit us and (3) GOD is always in charge as He has PERFECTLY ORCHESTRATED them to achieve their desired outcome (if we partake in His sufferings, we will also share in His glory).

In the same way a psychotic patient is convinced of his reality, we ought to also be steadfast in our conviction. No matter what the world (and in some instances our fellow brethren) may think of our conviction, we must remain as constant as The Northern Star. We must be unwavering in our belief that GOD is always in control, and is always in charge. And no matter how seemingly hopeless the situation may seem, our victory is always certain. This is why David could confidently approach Goliath when everyone around him was trembling in fear. He was unshaken in his belief that all things will work out for his benefit (Romans 8:28). His perspective and perception of his challenges was always on GOD’s ability to ALWAYS deliver him. The same GOD that delivered him from the lion and the bear. A conviction that was borne out of his personal relationship with the LORD. This conviction can’t be borne out of hearsay but from a fellowship with the One true living GOD.

If you think about us as Christians we are also “psychotic” as we believe in a GOD that atheists believe doesn’t exist. We SEE breakthroughs in situations that are hopeless to the rest of the world. We believe in a resurrection that science believes after 6 hours of death, is impossible. We believe in a Spirit that guides us through the Word of GOD, unlike worldly spirits that “lead” and guide through cards and crystal balls. No amount of “reason” will shift our pursuit of our Maker. How we perceive our challenges is determined by our revelation of Who the Author of our faith is.

We must be unwavering in our belief that GOD is always in control, and is always in charge. And no matter how seemingly hopeless the situation may seem, our victory is always certain


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