The Enemy Of Our Faith

The Enemy Of Our Faith

Friday, 26 April 2024

“Pride precedes a disaster, and an arrogant attitude precedes a fall” – Proverbs 16:18 GWT

Like Paul before me, I also know (read about) a man. This man had parents whose relationship was as a result of adultery. As punishment, GOD killed his older brother in his infancy. He was born into royalty and had the privileges that were befitting of his position. GOD then decided that his father would not build him a temple, but he would have the honor to do that himself. He built a temple that was worthy, and GOD was pleased with it and with him. GOD came to him in a dream and promised to grant him anything he desired. This man chose wisdom, and not for selfish reasons, but that he may be able to rule GOD’s people with honor and justice. GOD was so pleased with his selfless request that He granted him much more than he had requested. He made him wealthier than any man who ever lived. This man had an IQ that would put Marilyn Vos Savant to shame. It is written, that kings would travel great distances just to be in the presence of such wisdom. Yet the richest and the smartest man on earth was deceived and he fell. His later years weren’t pleasing to his creator.

“He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life” 2 Corinthians 3:6 NIV. I remember in KZN after I was born again, I was obsessed with the Word of GOD. I had my Bible with me everywhere I went. I had such “great revelations” that everyone around me knew you couldn’t touch me on the Word. Whenever someone couldn’t find a specific scripture, they would be referred to me. At the time, I thought I was well versed in the scriptures and I attributed that to my own wisdom and knowledge. It didn’t help that people around me called me a “walking Bible”. Years later, I realized that scripture was revealed to me by Holy Spirit not because of my knowledge and wisdom, but by His grace, because of the office. It had nothing to do with me, and I now realize the deception that had befallen me. It is so easy to elevate yourself and credit yourself with gifts that GOD, through His grace and love, has given you.

“Or because of these surpassingly great revelations. Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me” 2 Corinthians 12:7 NIV. It’s clear from this scripture that it’s easy to be deceived and tripped by wisdom and revelation. It’s easy to believe that because of all these revelations, you are special. Even a spiritual giant like Apostle Paul needed a thorn to keep him humble. Deception comes in many forms, and everyone’s deception is tailor-made and specific to them (James 1:14-15). In the same way, you can’t tempt me with alcohol, as I’ve never partaken of the fermented fruit, it’s easy to tempt a crack addict with crack. It’s easy to fall into the deception that hits close to home.

The fact that thee most intelligent man on earth was deceived, also means I’m not immune to the same deception. We need humility and grace to navigate and stay away from deception. In the same manner, the thorn was required to keep Paul humble, As a Christian, I also need to be very vigilant lest a thorn is sent my way. The more you grow in the LORD, the more your knowledge increases, and the more you realize that you actually don’t know anything. The more spiritually strong you become, the more you realize that you are actually weak and it’s GOD’s grace that’s keeping you afloat.

So next time you see a fellow brethren who has succumbed to deception, have mercy and extend grace, as you are no different to them. You are just covered by His grace and love. We must never ever reach a point where we feel immune and indestructible because of our revelations and efforts, because we know that pride comes before a fall. It’s when pride has snuck in (like a mouse in Alexander) that we refuse counsel and correction from our spiritual leaders and brethren, this is the birth of deception and fall. Let us be very vigilant lest we also fall.

The fact that thee most intelligent man on earth was deceived, also means I’m not immune to the same deception. We need humility and grace to navigate and stay away from deception


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