Thursday, 16 May 2024
“Will You not revive us and bring us to life again, That Your people may rejoice in You? Show us Your lovingkindness, O LORD, And grant us Your salvation.” – Psalms 85:6-7 AMP
“Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, That glory may dwell in our land.” – Psalms 85:9 NKJV
I recently saw a video of a lady predicting a global revival coming soon. She also went on to say that the wave will emanate from South Africa, and that we as a nation should prepare ourselves and begin to align with what GOD is wanting to do through us. Naturally, that sounded like a lot of pressure to put on one little country like South Africa, which in many ways is flawed, and does not have the best reputation. But with that said, GOD is still GOD and He is able to do anything through anyone.
In John 4, revival came through one woman at the well after she encountered Jesus and believed in Him. What He said to her restored her and reminded her of who she truly was. She was able to go into the very same town that she was rejected in and minister the good news of salvation. Something in her changed and a spark that was ignited by the presence of GOD became an inferno that engulfed a nation. The same goes for the madman of Gadara in the book of Luke. He encountered Christ, and after his deliverance, an entire nation was set free. There are several other encounters of cause, of people who simply opened their hearts to Jesus, and as a result, went about sharing their testimonies and bringing many to salvation.
This topic of revival did not only begin and end in the Bible. Many preachers and ministers of the Gospel have come and done great works for the Kingdom of GOD in their generation. They broke traditions and allowed Jesus to manifest through them in ways that brought revivals unlike anything ever seen before. They saw what was possible and simply availed themselves to what GOD wanted to do through them. None of us can do anything of great wonder if we cannot see it first in the spirit, and even less so, if we do not believe in the all Mighty, Unlimited power of GOD, to operate in and through us.
As much as revival can happen through a ministry, a city, or a nation, GOD is not limited. Sometimes it can take one unlikely person whose heart is open to GOD. Someone who is humble enough to say “YES LORD. Let your will be done in and through me.” One person who can discern the heart and mind of Christ and is willing to forsake what they can physically see and prioritize what is above.
The Holy Spirit is the GOD of revival and only through Him is it even possible. This is not about individuals and our selfish desires for fame and reputation. It is about the world’s desperate need for an awakening and an awareness of the times we are in. The war is already happening. It’s up to the soldiers of the end times to awaken to their calling and answer the clarion call of GOD.
“As much as revival can happen through a ministry, a city or a nation, GOD is not limited. Sometimes it can take one unlikely person who’s heart is open to GOD. “