Sunday Message Summary, 26 May 2024

Sunday Message Summary, 26 May 2024

I Corinthians 15:34 (NKJV‬‬/AMPC) is a call to revival, for us to return to spiritual sobriety, right mind & soundness. As believers, we must be sober at all times, we ought to be in a state of watchfulness. Satan seeks to render us ineffective knowing that it is totally frustrating when we’re in that state. We need to be mentally alert, watchful, and ready at all times. Our mental and spiritual alertness must always go hand in hand. If our mental judgment and our spiritual discernment are not aligned, we fall into a drunken stupor where everything becomes routine, and our service to GOD just becomes a routine. We end up becoming familiar with GOD and the things of GOD. When we do things out of routine, we get into slumber mode, wherein we condone sin, and sin becomes normalized. We become desensitized to the seriousness and the consequences of sin. GOD is longsuffering, just because He is quiet it doesn’t mean that He isn’t aware. A drunken stupor in the spirit is when the absence of the presence of GOD in our lives becomes normal and church becomes a routine.

Ephesians 5:14 (NKJV) calls us to awake from our sleep and arise from the dead. When we are in the fallen state (drunken stupor) GOD cannot say anything except to call us out of it. He calls us out back to Himself. When we are down, any message that we receive and understand to be from GOD is not actually from GOD. The only Word from GOD that will come to us is to arise from our drunken stupor. When we are in a drunken stupor we hear our voice and believe it to be GOD. We must not be comfortable in the absence of the presence of GOD in our lives, we need to cry ourselves back to GOD.

Ephesians 5:15-19 KJV‬ admonishes us to walk circumspectly, we have spent a lot of our time walking in foolishness. There is no discernment in a drunken stupor. When we’re drunk with the Spirit (full of the Holy Spirit) we begin to speak to ourselves. Once in that state, there is no room for depression; we begin to see, hear, and speak what the Holy Spirit wants us to. When we’re full of the Spirit, there is no room for sadness. To be filled is one thing, but to stay filled is another. As believers, we ought to stay filled, if we’re not filled we ought to cry out for revival. When we’re in a drunken stupor and desensitized we become spiritually insensitive, and that’s a dangerous state to be in.

When the Holy Spirit fills us, He takes over our soul, mind, and body. When in that state, we begin to see what He wants us to see and speak what He wants us to speak. Being full of the Holy Ghost is a place we ought to arise to. We must not be full of the flesh, we must not tolerate being led, guided, and controlled by the flesh. When we’re in spiritual comatose, we become ineffective, meaning, we have allowed the flesh to take full control of us. We’re now dead to the Spirit and alive to the flesh. It is possible to be spiritually dead and ineffective for the rest of our lives. Until we say “yes” to the call of revival (spiritual awakening).

I Corinthians 15:34 AMPC is another call to awake. Revival is the power of GOD calling us from death to life again in the Spirit. There is nothing any of us can do without the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit comes, He instills righteousness, anything unrighteous becomes disgusting to us. Nothing of significance happens in the life of a believer or in the church without the Holy Spirit. Revival is a time to befriend our Helper (the Holy Spirit) again. This is the time to sober up.

What Should Our Response Be To A Call To Revival?

1 We ought to examine, test, and evaluate ourselves to see whether we are holding on to our faith and showing the proper fruits of it (2 Corinthians 13:5 AMPC).

2 We ought to make sure our behavior reflects and confirms our relationship with GOD (2 Peter 1:10 AMP).

    When revival comes there is movement in the spirit, from glory to glory, from dimension to dimension, and from grace to grace. This is how we gain elevation and ascendancy in spirit.


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