Sunday Message Summary, 02 June 2024

Sunday Message Summary, 02 June 2024

Ephesians 5:18 KJV is a directive, a command, an order to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to continue being filled. This means that we’re not supposed to be filled and lose our momentum only to be filled again, no. We have to remain filled, it is a command and an order, not a suggestion. The question is, How do we get filled by the Holy Spirit? John 7:37-38 KJV answers this profoundly, (i) We have to be thirsty (to get filled). It has to be something that we really want, a sincere and earnest desire, something that is embedded within our soul.

Isaiah 44:3 KJV teaches us that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is the utmost blessing we can ever receive from GOD, a buffet that only requires one to thirst. Those who desire water search for water – in other words, you will desire that which you thirst for.

Isaiah 55:1 AMP is a divine invitation that clearly shows that it is by grace, it is a gift, and all you have to do is thirst. Thirst and hunger drive you to a place where you can be satisfied depending on what you are thirsting for. If you are truly thirsting and hungering for GOD, you will go to a church that fills the hunger and thirst that is within you. The church that you are settling in, means that is where your thirst is being quenched. What is the core reason that keeps you settled in your current church? Are you settled because of your thirst and hunger (for GOD) are being fulfilled? Or is it because the church is in close proximity to your house?

Matthew 5:6 KJV teaches us that it is not enough to just thirst, hunger, and desire for the Holy Spirit. Our thirst, hunger, and desire must be accompanied by action. All we have to do is (ii) come. To come means to seek Him genuinely and diligently and when you seek Him, He will then give of Himself. GOD has made the gift (the infilling of the Holy Spirit) available to us but He will not force the gift on us. We have to come to Him willingly. No church can offer you the infilling of the Holy Spirit, only Jesus can. (iii) Jesus is the baptiser with the Holy Spirit. Your church and pastor cannot fill you with the Holy Spirit. Only he who comes to GOD can be filled, not he who comes to GOD for things. We remain dry, thirsty, and hungry because we have been everywhere and to everyone, but we have never been to the One. Meaning that we have been to many churches but not to GOD so instead of looking for many places, look for GOD. (iv) Drink (Partake), you have to take part, participate, throw yourself in, dive in, submerge yourself, or else you will come out dry (because you did not drink).
Spectators never partake that is why they remain dry. GOD brings us to the water but it is up to us to drink. He will not open our mouths to make us drink it is up to us to drink (partake). The devil hits most believers in this area because they’re not partakers instead they’re spectators. Our part is to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, GOD will never force us to receive. To drink and partake of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is an act of faith. (v) Believe, you have to believe the One who baptizes (Jesus), not the one who has to lay their hand upon you to baptize.

Faith is a doing word, an active word, and a verb. Faith dives in, does, moves, acts. Faith is not dormant, passive, indifferent. Faith is always accompanied by action or else it is dead. It takes faith to receive anything from GOD i.e. the infilling of the Holy Ghost, the raising of people from the dead. The word in Luke 11:13 KJV/TPT/AMP indicates that when you (vi) ask without doubting, you shall receive. It is possible to be filled with the Holy Spirit’s fullness. All we have to do is ask our Heavenly Father.

James 1:5-8 KJV further teaches us that when we ask from the right source it will be given, but we must believe that we have received. When there is doubt nothing happens. Faith attracts GOD’s attention.

These six points are not prescriptive, meaning you don’t have to qualify to be filled with the Holy Spirit, it is a gift. GOD has done His part and is now waiting for us to do ours, that is to receive without doubting. When you come to church (the right church, where GOD has planted you) you must be open, open yourself up to GOD, and when you open yourself up to GOD you make yourself available. When you come to the service without expecting anything you will leave without receiving anything. What are you expecting from GOD when you enter His house?

Spectators never partake that is why they remain dry. GOD brings us to the water but it is up to us to drink. He will not open our mouths to make us drink it is up to us to drink

One Comment

  1. Sepotli Alpheus Bresley

    Thanks for the teaching, it is so powerful. It is a reminder that we can never get anything from God, if we ourself do not know what is it that we want from God.

    The teaching reminds me that I need to know first and foremost what I want and it will be easy to receive from God, because I am in the position of knowing what I want.

    Thanks once more for the teaching.

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