Friday, 21 June 2024
“I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone [just one grain, never more]. But if it dies, it produces much grain and yields a harvest” – John 12:24 AMP
A seed has so much potential to be more when it’s planted in the right soil and watered adequately. While it’s not in the soil, it will remain a seed and will never fulfill its potential. It’s when it is planted and watered that it will become a plant that will grow and ultimately produce much fruit. In the same way, an apple seed has the potential to be so much more than just a seed, but when it’s planted it will produce so many apples as a result of the death of one seed.
In the same manner, our finances, while still in our possession, have great potential. It’s only when we “sacrifice” them and plant them in fertile soil, that a great harvest can be produced. The thing is, this can only come through sacrifice. In the same manner, Jesus was offered up as a sacrifice, a sacrifice that yielded so much fruit. The thing is, this sacrifice will cost you. It’s that which comes at a great cost that matters the most. It may sometimes seem like I don’t have enough to give when I look at all the commitments I have; It’s in these moments that what I give will cost me the most, it’s in these moments that I’m forced to die to self and rely on GOD to make a way forward. In the same way, the old woman gave out of her lack, as opposed to others who gave out of their abundance (this did not cost them). It’s when we give from our “lack” that our offering becomes a sweet-smelling aroma and it is pleasing and acceptable before our Father.
So when I offer up my tithes and offerings, what motivates me is the knowledge or understanding that what I offer will die and produce a great harvest that will benefit others more than me. But because GOD is faithful and just, my giving will also multiply for me. If I keep it and not invest it, it will remain just a seed that will never fulfill its purpose and never multiply into a great harvest. It’s sad that sometimes we hinder our blessings by withholding, in the belief that we will have more, yet the withholding is actually subtracting from our inheritance. By withholding my seed, I’m like a farmer who doesn’t plant, yet and still, expects a great harvest. I must be like a farmer who plants into fertile soil and waits in expectation for the season of harvesting.
It’s sad that sometimes we hinder our blessings by withholding, in the belief that we will have more, yet the withholding is actually subtracting from our inheritance