Sunday Message Summary, 23 June 2024

Sunday Message Summary, 23 June 2024

Everything that the LORD does for us, everything that the LORD gives us, is intended to help us live righteous and godly lives. Everything that GOD does for us is for us to live lives that are pleasing to HIM, lives that are becoming of us as Christians. The divine power of the Holy Spirit (GOD) was not given to Christians for us to be self-serving with it or for us to use it to amass worldly riches with it. Far from it. Ours is not to pursue money or materialistic things, ours is to follow and pursue GOD’s purpose for our lives. How many of us have cried out and promised GOD that we will do certain things when He delivers a financial breakthrough for us? Only for the true heart of man to be revealed when we fail to keep the promises that we made unto GOD when we attain those worldly things that we so desperately pleaded for from GOD. Our only motivation for chasing GOD should be to seek godliness with contentment because that is where our wealth will come from [1 Timothy 6:6]. We should chase GOD for the sake of chasing GOD. Period.

According to Scripture, the pursuit of righteousness and a godly life will result in the manifestation of true riches, in true wealth, and godliness with contentment will attract the kind of blessing to your life that will exceed your expectations when GOD releases [1 Timothy 6:3-8, 11]. The word “contentment” in 1 Timothy 6:6 means appreciation, gladness, happiness, and satisfaction. Within the context of Scripture, we must therefore appreciate, be satisfied, and indeed be glad that GOD has blessed us with our day-to-day essentials. The food, the clothes, the roof over your head, the fact that GOD keeps waking us up every morning, these are all blessings from GOD. When we lack contentment with the blessings that GOD has already given, how does GOD release any other blessing? BUT when you and I are content with the mercies that GOD delivers anew every day and we thank GOD for them, we will attract more blessings from GOD.

Believers, be reminded that what the human mind considers to be riches and wealth is a very narrow-minded view that is limited to monetary value, that this is a far cry from what GOD considers riches and wealth, and that the latter are the true riches and true wealth. This is but one of many Kingdom principles that we will grasp as our spirit grows in the things of GOD. We can only gain understanding of the things of GOD when we gain wisdom in the things of GOD. And so to this end, the main pursuit and main goal in our lives must be to pursue divine knowledge, divine wisdom, divine understanding. True wealth and true riches are from GOD, they are permanent and GOD protects them. They are permanent, they are sure, and no thief can rob you of what comes from GOD. In Proverbs 4:5-6 the word “get” means pursue until you attain and “she/her” refers to wisdom. Proverbs 4:5-7 categorically tells us— (i) to pursue and attain wisdom; (ii) to pursue and attain understanding; (iii) wisdom is the primary and foremost thing for us to pursue and chase after in this life; (iv) with wisdom we will gain understanding.

We know that GOD, in His sovereign omnipotence, can bless us wherever we are, at whatever time. And Proverbs 3:13 CEV/NKJV tells us that GOD blesses all of us who have wisdom, common sense, and understanding. The principle emphasized in Proverbs 4:5-7 is also written in Proverbs 3:14-18 CEV, where the Bible tells us that wisdom leads to true riches and true wealth that are far above any monetary value imaginable to man. And if you grasp nothing else from this week, let this be your take away—Wisdom, true divine wisdom, is the ultimate wealth that we should seek to attain! Divine wisdom, divine knowledge, divine understanding are an integral part of our faith as Christians. In Luke 2:52 NKJV/AMP it is written that ‘Jesus grew (kept increasing) in wisdom and in stature (maturity), and in favor with GOD and men’. Now if Jesus, the Son of GOD, needed to grow and keep increasing in wisdom when He walked as a man on earth, and we model the pattern of our lives as believers after Him (Jesus), this means that we too ought to actively seek to grow and keep increasing in wisdom.

Throughout the Bible, we see that nothing of significance or lasting value is achieved without divine wisdom, divine understanding, divine knowledge. Everything that Jesus Christ did took wisdom, understanding and knowledge. Jesus grew (kept on increasing) in wisdom and maturity and without it, He would not have achieved what He did, nor would He have been able to serve GOD in the way that He did. You and me are not greater, bigger or better than Jesus, so we also require the spirit of the Father, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of wisdom and understanding to build what we need to build, to establish anything of significance and value. Our lack of wisdom, understanding, and knowledge limit the gifts of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and the things we try to build as children of GOD fall apart because we lack wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. It takes divine knowledge and wisdom to walk in riches that any worldly education, thing, or person could not achieve.

Significant lasting value is the language of GOD because GOD does not build temporary things. Everything of GOD has a steadfast foundation and will have longevity. This is why GOD’s interest in you is not just about you alone, HE is also interested in the generations after you. For the LORD to do, create, build, or establish anything and everything, even GOD Himself had to summon HIS own wisdom, HIS own understanding, HIS own knowledge [Proverbs 3:19-20]. GOD the Father could not do, build or establish anything without divine wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, how about you and me? You and I are walking, breathing, living miracles of GOD. We are the products (the results) of the LORD summoning and using the wisdom, understanding and knowledge of GOD; And thus we can do nothing without the wisdom, understanding and knowledge that made (created) us.

Every GOD ordained king, ruler, prince, noble, judge is placed by GOD in that position and has the spiritual gifting and backing of GOD’s divine wisdom, understanding and strength through the Holy Spirit [Proverbs 8:12, 14-16]. The wisdom given by GOD is anything but common. This is why nothing of significant lasting value can be achieved or accomplished by any one of us without the divine wisdom, understanding and knowledge of GOD from GOD— not enduring riches, honor and righteousness [Proverbs 8:17-18]; not godly wealth [Proverbs 8:19]; not any inheritances and treasuries [Proverbs 8:20-21]. Even the LORD Himself, right at the beginning when HE created the earth, HE knew to make the earth with all the riches and abundance of treasures in it (and mind you the earth is bursting at the seams with all sorts of innumerable natural resources) because GOD summoned and possessed this divine wisdom and divine knowledge that is spoken of in Scriptures [Proverbs 8:22].

What we need most is not more money, a better paying job, a better qualification, a network of influential people, a network of powerful people, or a network of rich people. The reason why we live is to raise the name of Jesus. It takes divine wisdom and knowledge to build and establish structures for GOD, to build and establish things that will stand in the honor, things that will stand in the glory, things to the praise of GOD. In John 3:30, John the Baptiser aptly said that ‘He (Christ) must increase and I must decrease’ for this very reason, to raise honor and praise the name of Christ Jesus. Everything we do, we ought to do for Him (Christ). When you and I understand this, then we will truly have wisdom and the Spirit of the LORD, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the Spirit of the fear (reverence) of the LORD shall rest upon us. This is the wisdom that says pursue GOD, seek GOD. What We Need Most, far much more than anything, is what only GOD can give us.

And if you grasp nothing else from this week, let this be your take away—Wisdom, true divine wisdom, is the ultimate wealth that we should seek to attain! Divine wisdom, divine knowledge, divine understanding are an integral part of our faith as Christians.


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